Daily brain exercise for balance

  • Published: 03-10-2014 Edited: 03-10-2014
  • It's been scientifically studied that if you practice both types of cognitive tasks you will stay more healthy. So here is a daily exercise you can do to improve your health.

    1. Understand someone elses perspective in relation to something bigger.
    * If you have Deterministic Execution (*DE) you will find it easier to understand someone elses system or method in relation to a goal or agenda.
    * If you have Organic Execution (*OE) you will find it easier to understand someones ethic or mission or ideology in relation to the social groups needs and dynamics.

    2. Understand someone elses perspective in relation to their own context.
    * If you have Determinisic Processing (*DP) you will find it easier to understand someone elses system or method in relation to their context (framework or rulset) they are working in.
    * If you have Organic Processing (*OP) you will find it easier to understand someone elses ethic or mission or ideology in relation to their context (situation, history, own feelings).

    So you practise "activating" both of these tasks daily to get a more balanced brain which can use both Deterministic and Organic tasks.