Plasma oxytocin related to social cognition

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    • Published: 02-12-2016 03:57 am
    • So oxytocin increase connectivity in regions for social cognition, this would mean Oxytocin is positively correlated with higher Organic encoding in NJT.

      I would assume this is on the level of individual differences, rather than in a specific moment in time. So having high Oxytocin in a moment in time (by the way - the level of oxytocin is pretty stable over time) doesn't neccesary mean you will use a Organic encoding at that specific moment in time. But having high Oxytocin in general will improve the possibility of you using an Organic-encoding more often, so translated into NJT it would imply that a person is a Organic type.

      "As predicted, the current results revealed that plasma OT is associated with greater activity in brain regions critical to social cognition such as mentalizing, experience-sharing, and empathy (Zaki and Ochsner, 2012). Previous work by Tavares and colleagues (Tavares et al., 2008) has shown that neural activity within a similar task is modulated via selective attention, such that directing one’s attention toward the social aspects of this task (i.e., mental state attributions) engages the “social brain” to a greater extent than directing attention toward its physical aspects (i.e., the spatial properties of the stimuli"

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