NJTI Test Result

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  • Your type


    This type get most energized when focusing on a goal and avoiding interruptions for reaching the goal. Articulation of goals and directions with ethos of what is the proper guiding beliefs or ideals lie close to heart. This type is good at execution and planning for reaching goals through impacting people with experiences, events, contexts and objects. Much new information from other people and long periods of indiscriminate understanding of information drains the type. This type likes trying new ideas the most when working towards a goal. This type have an autonomous behavior in relation to groups. In group-activities this type tends to prefer articulation of goals over understanding new information. This type likes to creatively explore alternatives over an efficient exploitation of available resources.

  • Complementary type


    (These two types maximize flow and energy together.)

    This type get most energized when trying to understand new things and exploring new possibilities when they appear. Reflecting on goals and directions with ethos of what is the proper guiding beliefs or ideals lie close to heart. This type is good at execution and planning for reaching goals through mechanistic / technical ways. Long periods of goal-directed activity and long periods of preventing interruptions to reach goals drains the type. This type likes trying new ideas the most when listening on ideas from other people or when being spontaneous. This type have an collaborative behavior in relation to groups. In group-activities this type tends to prefer understanding new information over articulation of goals. This type likes to creatively explore alternatives over an efficient exploitation of available resources.

  • Accuracy

    How well your answers fit this type (higher means better): 375

    Your standard deviation mean per trait is (lower means more confident): 14.46

    Expected / mean score of the test is 0, lowest possible score is -960 and highest possible score is 960. Scores follow a normal distribution.

    By comparing how well you fit different types below you can evaluate how strong this result is.

  • Your trait sequence

    120: AO OP OE AM, 105: AE, 60: OG AG GE, 45: FP, 30: MP CE AP GP CP OF, 15: MF CO CG FE, 0: CM, -15: CF, -30: ME, -60: MG AF

  • Your answers per trait

    • AO - Abstract Organic. "Conceptual & Social". A combination of conceptual / categorical thinking and social cognition.

      Balanced Score: 120, Standard Deviation: 0

      • Question: I tend to see how a series of events create symbolic meaning.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to see how different details of a presentation affects peoples experience.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to see how a context is similar to other contexts.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to see how items and objects affects peoples experience.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • OP - Organic Processing. "Social & Stimuli-driven". A combination of social cognition and reactive control.

      Balanced Score: 120, Standard Deviation: 0

      • Question: I tend to seek out relaxing or private environments when I need to understand my feelings.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to see how contexts and events affected other people by listening to their stories.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to hold my opinions to myself if the group seems to disapprove of them.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: Subtle changes in someone’s behavior can fill me with questions about what the person is currently experiencing.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • OE - Organic Execution. "Social & Goal-directed". A combination of proactive control and social cognition.

      Balanced Score: 120, Standard Deviation: 0

      • Question: I tend to understand how to factor in, before hand, how my actions might impact others.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to be able to stay focused on maintaining harmony in a group.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to understand how to articulate cultural rules and norms of what is appropriate behavior.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to see how to avoid critical events and narratives to maintain harmony in the group.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • AM - Abstract Mechanistic. "Conceptual & Mechanistic". A combination of conceptual / categorical thinking and mechanical / physical cognition.

      Balanced Score: 120, Standard Deviation: 0

      • Question: I tend to experiment with how specific words could be interpreted.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to see general patterns in how rules and laws are used.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to experiment on how rules can be interpreted.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to see procedures and system in general ways.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • AE - Abstract Execution. "Conceptual & Goal-directed". A combination of proactive control and conceptual / categorical cognition.

      Balanced Score: 105, Standard Deviation: 6.5

      • Question: I tend to discussing a general procedure or hypothesis for goal-directed activities.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend to like to find new ways to reach goals which are outside of the established norm.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to be most creative when working towards my goals.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to like to innovate on how goals are reached to see if I can come up with new results.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • OG - Organic Cognitive. "Social & Reflective". A combination of increased flow and social cognition.

      Balanced Score: 60, Standard Deviation: 18.37

      • Question: I tend to get energized by paying attention to peoples experience for long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get refreshed by seeing how nuances in contexts and events affect people.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend to get energized by understanding how different contexts and events affect people.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to get refreshed by reflecting over how contexts and events affects people in different ways.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • AG - Abstract Cognitive. "Conceptual & Reflective". A combination of increased flow during conceptual / categorical cognition.

      Balanced Score: 60, Standard Deviation: 18.37

      • Question: I tend to get energized when I’m trying to get a better understanding of information.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend to get recharged when I can look at something from a new perspective.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to get energized when dealing with something I don’t fully understand.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to question others assumptions by comparing them to my own theories.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • GE - Cognitive Execution. "Reflective & Goal-directed". A combination of increased flow during proactive control.

      Balanced Score: 60, Standard Deviation: 18.37

      • Question: I tend to focus on what is important to reach a goal when I'm feeling refreshed.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to get refreshed when I am working towards goals for long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to work towards goals when I'm feeling energized.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to get energized by questioning and reflecting over how good my goals are.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
    • FP - Affective Processing. "Reflexive & Stimuli-driven". A combination of increased stress and reactive cognitive control.

      Balanced Score: 45, Standard Deviation: 16.35

      • Question: I tend to get drained by energy when not having a goal to work towards.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend let other people make decisions about how to reach goals when I'm under pressure.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend to get stressed out or exhausted by much new information from other people.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to see how other people can control or change information and dynamics.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • MP - Mechanistic Processing. "Mechanistic & Stimuli-driven". A combination of mechanical / physical analysis and reactive cognitive control.

      Balanced Score: 30, Standard Deviation: 22.5

      • Question: I tend to give better feedback when I’m not personally responsible for the end results.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to easily pick up on when someone is using a word or phrase incorrectly.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to focus most on logic or rationality when I have no goal to work towards.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to enjoy giving feedback on the works of others.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • CE - Concrete Execution. "Perceptual & Goal-directed". A combination of proactive control and perceptual / sensory-semantical / contextual cognition.

      Balanced Score: 30, Standard Deviation: 22.5

      • Question: I tend to stay as close to my plan as possible when working towards a goal.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to want my questions answered before starting to work towards a goal.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to be organized and concrete when I'm working towards a goal.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to plan around my known talents when I'm working towards a goal.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
    • AP - Abstract Processing. "Conceptual & Stimuli-driven". A combination of conceptual / categorical thinking and reactive cognitive control.

      Balanced Score: 30, Standard Deviation: 22.5

      • Question: I tend to like being creative when attending to new information from other people.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to be experimenting when I am not consciously aware of a goal or target.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to find general patterns in the ideas of others which can open up new possibilites.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to be imaginative when I am not consciously aware of a goal or target.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • GP - Cognitive Processing. "Reflective & Stimuli-driven". A combination of increased flow and reactive cognitive control.

      Balanced Score: 30, Standard Deviation: 22.5

      • Question: I tend to get refreshed by not having a goal to work towards.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to see how nuances in information from other people can help with any activity.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to get energized by much new information from other people.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to let other people make decisions about how to reach goals when I'm feeling energized.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • CP - Concrete Processing. "Perceptual & Stimuli-driven". A combination of perceptual / sensory-semantical / contextual cognition and reactive control.

      Balanced Score: 30, Standard Deviation: 22.5

      • Question: I tend to focus on contextual details in my environment when I am not consciously aware of a goal or target
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to do little elaboration on how things follow general patterns when I am not consciously aware of a goal or target.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to focus on perceptual details when I am not consciously aware of a goal or target.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to do little elaboration on how things relate to concepts when I am not consciously aware of a goal or target.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • OF - Organic Affective. "Social & Reflexive". A combination of increased stress during social cognition.

      Balanced Score: 30, Standard Deviation: 22.5

      • Question: I tend to focus the most on contexts, events and it's affect on people when I'm under pressure.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to focus the most on how people experience things when I'm feeling stressed out.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to get drained of energy by thinking about what affected people's experience for long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get drained of energy by understanding how contexts and events affects people's experience for long period of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • MF - Mechanistic Affective. "Mechanistic & Reflexive". A combination of increased stress and mechanical / physical cognition.

      Balanced Score: 15, Standard Deviation: 19.49

      • Question: I tend to get drained of energy by paying attention to mechanics for long duration of time.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to focus more on mechanics, systems and rules when I'm feeling drained of energy.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to focus more on logic, rationality when I'm under pressure.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get stressed out by focusing on mechanics for long periods of time.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
    • CO - Concrete Organic. "Perceptual & Social". A combination of perceptual / sensory-semantical / contextual thinking and social cognition.

      Balanced Score: 15, Standard Deviation: 19.49

      • Question: I tend to establish social and cultural order in my groups.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to participate in both big and small traditions with my friends and family.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to express how I feel about other people in a concrete manner.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to set up rules for how people in my group should treat each others.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
    • CG - Concrete Cognitive. "Perceptual & Reflective". A combination of increased flow during perceptual / sensory-semantical / contextual cognition.

      Balanced Score: 15, Standard Deviation: 19.49

      • Question: I tend to get refreshed by doing tasks similar to past experience.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get reenergized when doing things in ways I have done before.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to see the uniqueness of events and ideas.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to get energized when relating ideas to past experience.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
    • FE - Affective Execution. "Reflexive & Goal-directed". A combination of increased stress during proactive cognitive control.

      Balanced Score: 15, Standard Deviation: 19.49

      • Question: I tend to be easily irritated if someone interrupts me when I am working towards a goal.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to work towards goals the most when I'm under pressure.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend to get stressed out or exhausted when I am working towards goals for long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to focus on what is important to reach a goal when I'm feeling stressed out.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • CM - Concrete Mechanistic. "Perceptual & Mechanistic". A combination of perceptual / sensory-semantical / contextual thinking and mechanical / physical cognition.

      Balanced Score: 0, Standard Deviation: 23.72

      • Question: I tend to disapprove of using words and procedures in ways that are different than how I’ve learnt to do it.
        Your answer: Strongly disagree (-30)
      • Question: I tend to enjoy setting up rules and procedures for how people should go about their daily routines.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to want a clear idea of how something works before I can offer feedback on a system.
        Your answer: Strongly agree (30)
      • Question: I tend to be observant of issues in following through on instructions.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
    • CF - Concrete Affective. "Perceptual & Reflexive". A combination of increased stress during perceptual / sensory-semantical / contextual cognition.

      Balanced Score: -15, Standard Deviation: 19.49

      • Question: I tend to pay more attention to perceptual details and do less elaboration when I’m feeling stressed out.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend to get drained by only focusing on the perceptual details of experience for a long duration of time.
        Your answer: Strongly disagree (-30)
      • Question: I tend to do things by following experience the most when I'm feeling stressed out.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
      • Question: I tend to get exhausted by looking at how information is unique and distinct for a long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • ME - Mechanistic Execution. "Mechanistic & Goal-directed". A combination of proactive control and mechanical / physical cognition.

      Balanced Score: -30, Standard Deviation: 12.99

      • Question: I tend to understand how to articulate a new rule or law to solve a problem in a system.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to be able to stay focused on improving efficiency in procedures.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to see how to organize the environment to improve in efficiency or productivity.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to see how to defend against critical interruptions when organizing the environment for better productivity.
        Your answer: Agree (15)
    • MG - Mechanistic Cognitive. "Mechanistic & Reflective". A combination of increased flow during mechanical / physical cognition.

      Balanced Score: -60, Standard Deviation: 0

      • Question: I tend to get energized by seeing, through careful reflection, the nuances and workings of mechanics.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get refreshed by paying attention to mechanics for long periods of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get refreshed when reflecting on the mechanics of objects and their different parts.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get energized by focusing on mechanics for long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
    • AF - Abstract Affective. "Conceptual & Reflexive". A combination of increased stress during conceptual / categorical cognition.

      Balanced Score: -60, Standard Deviation: 0

      • Question: I tend to see general patterns the most when I'm under pressure.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to see general patterns the most when I'm under pressure.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get exhausted by looking at general patterns in information for long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
      • Question: I tend to get drained by integrating general knowledge on events and objects for a long duration of time.
        Your answer: Disagree (-15)
  • How well your answers fit different types

    TypeBalanced score
    TypeBalanced score