From the MBTI to the NJTI
Seemingly similar on the outside, but very different on the inside. The MBTI and the NJTI see eye to eye by categorizing people into sixteen types based on four similar dichotomies.
Connections between the MBTI and the NJTI
Sensing: Concrete Association
Intuition: Abstract Association
Feeling: Organic Encoding
Thinking: Mechanic Encoding
Introversion: Evaluation
Extroversion: Exploration
Judging: Execution
Perceiving: Processing
The MBTI and the NJTI differs strongly in how they measure and interpret these traits. Classic MBTI tests rely on questions such as:
Judging (Execution~): "You are almost never late to your appointments"
Feeling (Organic~): "You feel involved when watching TV-soaps"
Feeling (Organic~): "Your decisions are often influenced by emotions."
Where the NJTI instead gives statements like these:
Healthy Execution: :"When I have to convince others to support my decisions, I tend to get excited."
Healthy Organic Encoding: "When I learn about how ideas and philosophies influence people, I tend to get excited. "
Unhealthy Mechanic Encoding: "When I learn about how isolated parts of a system works, I tend to get indifferent."
The NJT says the VAOGE type has healthy/cognitive VA and OE, meaning VAOGE types who express their VA and OE will become more healthy, where VAOGEs who instead express XCMFP will appear unhealthy and passive. The MBTI instead asks you to identify with which trait you express the most often. But preference or commonness should not be mistaken for 'who you are'. Type should not be mistaken for what you are good at or what you do often, because these traits are shaped by environment and practise. Instead, your natural type should identify activities which you are passionate and positive of.
Different interpretation of the MBTI functions
The MBTI and the NJTI also interpret cognitive functions differently:
Ne: XA
Ni: VA
Se: XC
Si: VC
Te: ME
Ti: MP
Fe: OE
Fi: OP
The NJTI integrates execution and processing into their function theory because:
- Abstract and Concrete processes are associative, and their functions appear to be more easily measured when tested against V and X, than they are when tested against P and E.
- M and O appear to be more easily measured when testing the traits together with E and P, than they are when measured against V or X.
- Processing and Execution need to be more clearly connected with the other concepts and functions described as they have an important role in our behavior and in our motivation and at the moment lack a direction.
You can still to some extent measure for AP and AE in a type, but what you're measuring for is not a cognitive function: you're measuring for a type that will say they are both Abstract and Processing oriented. Judging by our current test statistics, the two traits appear to more than overlap with each others.
A person who gets the result ENTJ in the MBTI will by 20% likelihood get the result XAME. Other common results will be ENFP or INTJ. The XAME has XA - Explorative Abstract, and ME - Mechanic Execution. This is very similar to the XAOP/ENFP~ who has XA and OP - Organic Processing. This is the most common mismatch in the NJTI: We no longer struggle to tell apart introverts or extroverts. XAOPs (ENFPs~) and VAOPs (INFPs~) are very different types. One has Explorative Abstract Association, while the other has Evaluative Abstract Association.
Different correlations between types and their functions
Functionally speaking, the NJTI types have different functions and different traits than in the MBTI/JCF model.
The ENFPs cognitive functions in the NJTI
Active/Cognitive XAOP or Ne-dom in the MBTI
Stable XAME or Fi-aux in the MBTI
Hyperactive VCOP or Te- in the MBTI
Passive VCME or Si in the MBTI
The INFPs states in the NJTI vs the MBTI INFPs functions
Active/Cognitive VAOP or Fi in the MBTI
Hyperactive XCOP (ESFP~) or Ne in the MBTI
Stable VAME (INTJ~) or Si in the MBTI
Passive XCME (ESTJ~) or Te in the MBTI
The Jungian Cognitive Function model, made by Beebe, attempts to track down behavioral variations and how your behavior differs depending on which function you are using. But because the MBTI can't accurately measure your cognitive functions through any sorts of tests the theory has so far been highly impractical for most people. The NJTI groups people's behavioral variations into types based on two-function pairs. (XA + ME = XAME/Intellectual Fighter) This makes type and behavioral variations more easy to measure.
We, like Beebe, seek to explain how each function presents in a type. The Intellectual Leader type has active VA and ME, and the active mode can be described as 'the hero mode' - who we are at best. If the Intellectual Leader is forced to use XC their attention span will decrease, they will get less focused, and less conscious, and they will fall into XC ME mode (The Practical Fighter mode) characterized as the 'hyperactive mode' or the 'puer/puella mode' - the mode of the eternal child. They will appear more aggressive, childish and affective. If they retain VA but lack ME-rewards they will lose motivation and fall into OP. They will appear less childish - more focused, aware, and centered. They will resemble 'good parent' VAOPs. Lastly, if they lose both VA and ME, they will slip into XC and OP, losing both motivation, and energy, and being trapped by their 'passive mode'. They should always avoid that and identify ways out of those patterns when possible.