Read a description of this personality type below.
ENTJs are strong to the point of being slightly intimidating. You are outspoken and sociable, driven and business-oriented. You are quick to engage and work with others. You’re strong and radiate power to the people around you. You tend to have strong beliefs and a strong work-ethic. You tend to express your opinions openly and directly, without holding back. You love to talk freely about your thoughts and to have open, serious discussions with others. You enjoy big or large groups and social settings, where you can express yourself without restraint. You’re intelligent and value efficiency and people who are able to think up smart ways to do things. You’re a practical and objective decision maker. You know what’s best and you don’t really need to discuss things with others to know what to do. You’re comfortable taking risks and throwing the balls up in the air sometimes, just to see where they land. You have a good grasp of what you want, and how to get there.
You tend to be quick to trust and to share with others, freely expressing your ideas and strategies with others. You enjoy share your facts and engaging in logical discussions with others, and while you may struggle with a bit of a temper, you tend to be quick to forgive others. You tend to connect with others unusually quickly, but you connect more about ideas and on similar work-related goals than on a personal level. You live like a racecar, always forward, often in a fast manner, and it can be difficult for your friends and loved ones to keep track of everything new in your life. You are introspective and highly capable of independent thought. You enjoy thinking up new solutions and new ways to solve problems.
Because of your love for progress and creativity, you tend to frown on traditions and social necessities. You find politness to often be an obstacle and would rather people just state their opinions openly. This is somewhat paradoxical, because you have a tendency to become quite an authority yourself. ENTJs are driven and proactive and slightly erratic about their values. You often say and do things you regret, but your friends see this as a part of your direct and honest style. As an ENTJ, you tend to be resistant to new ideas and to new suggestions. You’re firm about your beliefs and when you’ve made up your mind, it’s hard to lure you to the other side. Your ideal romantic partner tends to be the INTP. Their love for logic, their ability to reflect deeply on things, and their thoughtfulness appeals to you greatly.
Executives have a preference towards action, presence, and short-term, hands on experience. Executives drive things forward with their dominant world-view, preferring to intervene directly. They thrive when they can engage topics and problems from a set interest or perspective, and generally prefer to make decisions in the situation instead of corresponding with universal laws and procedures. Executives enjoy to monitor and to be aware of their environment and the people in it. They have fun in controlled environments and clashes of opinions, or fists. They naturally prefer action-filled environments, where there is always something to engage them. They prefer to directly respond to interruptions and to engage conflicts directly.
Executives prefer to focus their attention towards things of their interest, controlling the flow of information related to their world-view, taking on a form of soccer approach to life. They are at their best when they are fully updated on the present situation and when they can respond to any new updates based on instinct. Spending time calculating or anticipating events can break their flow.
Executives require more direct control than Explorers, and respond worse to environments which lack supervision and predetermined standards of procedure, and such situations can make them more distanced and detached. Executives require more action than Leaders, and can become affective and emotional in situations that are unable to keep them engaged.
As an rational, you seek to find the underlying principles that lies behind performing well in tasks, hierarchies and competitions and strive to establish these ideals in society. You are curious of the concepts and ideas that define success and try to refine and redefine these in their path of refining and redefining their own performance as well as the performance of people in their society.
As a doer you enjoy getting started as soon as possible and not get stuck in passive speculation. The world affects you directly, you respond instinctively and are not afraid of making mistakes.
As a idealist you enjoy relating reality to ideas and concepts and finding new patterns to explain things. You enjoy fantasizing how alternative facts, alternative development of events and perspectives can create new conditions.
As a technician you enjoy basing decisions on impersonal or formal principles. You enjoy evaluating whether things hold up to established principles and guidelines that are independent of social relationships, attachments and feelings.
As a judger you enjoy sticking to tasks until you reach a closure before moving on to anything else. You are quite autonomous and resistant to disruptions.
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