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The 16 MBTI Stereotypes

  • Published: 04-05-2015 Edited: 04-12-2015
  • Here I will summarize the 16 different personalities from the MBTI by using their latest personality artworks. The images consists of a head filled with keywords which are attributes associated with this particular personality type.

    Here is the 16 personality types in MBTI:


    enthusiastic, realistic, fun loving, adaptable, friendly, cooperative, outgoing, tactful, talkative, persuasive, action oriented, keen observers, resourceful, vivacious, sympathetic, sociable, optimistic, generous, playful, tolerant, observant, spontaneous, easygoing, practical, supportive, pleasant, accept others


    gentle, realistic, factual, sensitive, affinity for nature, caring, trusting, cooperative, offer praise, attuned to others, practical, harmonious, dedicated, spontaneous, gentle persuaders, loyal, reserved, adaptable, understanding, concrete, strong values, kind, tolerant, modest, observant, considerate


    value family, orderly, thorough, appreciative, consistent, sympathetic, outgoing, loyal, decisive, personable, down-to-earth, responsible, practical, enthusiastic, sociable, strong values, cooperative, harmonious, respect rules, helpful, organized, responsive, tactful, energetic, traditional, realistic, conscientious


    good caretakers, cooperative, loyal, organized, practical, dependable, traditional, sensitive, detailed, considerate, meticulous, follow rules, low-key, specific, responsible, devoted, service minded, concrete, conscientious, thoughtful of others, realistic, kind, patient, honor commitments


    outgoing, enthusiastic, analytical, realistic, respond resourcefully, negotiators, alert, good humor, flexible, direct, adaptable, persuasive, inventive, pragmatic troubleshooters, energetic, observant, love life, react quickly, practical, versatile, easygoing, rational problem solvers, fun loving, straightforward, assertive, active, spontaneous, learn from doing


    objective critics, logical problem solvers, factual, spontaneous, careful observers, expedient, practical, self-determined, realistic, adventurous, detached, calm during crises, self-determined, respond quickly, independent, resist regimentation, logical, analytical, adaptable, troubleshooters, confident, lead through action, thrive on variety, applied


    objective, decisive, realistic, analytical, outspoken, direct, practical, structured, systematic, prefer proven procedures, dependable, clear, efficient, objectively critical, logical, self-confident, organized, pragmatic, impersonal, assertive, take charge, straightforward, responsible, foresee potential problems, matter-of-fact


    objective, orderly, respect facts, organized, honor commitments, dependable, thorough, practical, value traditions, systematic, factual, consistent, logical, detached, painstaking, duty bound, sensible, focus on tasks, reasonable, reliable, steadfast, analytical, calm, organized, realistic, loyal, reserved, careful managing details, prefer working alone


    value authenticity, persuasive, energetic, creative, zest for life, lively, restless, inspire leadership, curious, gregarious, expressive, independent, versatile, friendly, value depth, perceptive, enthusiastic, caring, supportive, cooperative, warm, imaginative, sociable, spontaneous


    selective, value relationships, devoted, committed, empathetic, creative, loyal, virtuous, idealistic, long-range vision, adaptable, compassionate, reserved, curious, flexible, concerned, introspective, gentle, sensitive, caring, original, reticent, individual, deep, complex, appreciate nature


    trustworthy, sociable, gracious, encourage, self-expression, imaginative, verbal, congenial, responsible, warm, loyal, concerned, inspire leadership, people-oriented, persuasive, diplomatic, responsive, facilitate others, energetic, organized, idealistic, expressive, compassionate, inspire change, supportive, curious, help others, enthusiastic, personable


    intense, work with integrity, creative, insightful, sensitive, determined, loyal, holistic, private, committed, metaphorical, motivate others, organized, idealistic, empathetic, seek meaning, symbolic, visionary, quiet warmth, planful, reserved, conceptual, encourage harmony, deep, compassionate, individualistic


    take initiative, encourage independence, enterprising, curious, challenging, spur others on, active, conceptual, strategic, assertive, creative, adaptive, enthusiastic innovators, analytical, theoretical, objective, clever, questioning, lively, rational, outspoken, energetic, resourceful, independent, enjoy complex challenges


    value intelligence, precise, cognitive, autonomous, independent, analytical, self-determined, dislike redundancy, insightful, logical, detached, original, reserved, objectively critical, intensely curious, theoretical, challenge others, speculative, skeptical, mentally quick, contemplative, interact intellectually, independent problem solvers, ingenious, quickly see inconsistencies


    straightforward, innovative theorizers, action oriented, planful, self-confidence, clear, manage directly, tough when necessary, fair, assertive, logical, provide structure, tough, natural critics, challenging, decisive, planners, value intelligence, objective, theoretical, strategic, take charge, think ahead, critical, global thinkers, stimulating, controlled, prefer new challenges


    value knowledge, insightful, deliberate, independent, long-range planners, theoretical, demanding, conceptual, task-focused, decisive, reserved, creative synthesizers, objectively critical, original, calm, logical, private, clear, productive, competent, autonomous, efficient, concise, visionary, systems-minded, firm, rational, global, expect competence

    I think these personality types are better than they have ever been in MBTI.

    If we collect all traits and count them by type we get this (credits to Wojtek Müller for generating it):
    cooperative 5 ESFP ISFP ESFJ ISFJ ENFP
    energetic 5 ESFJ ESTP ENFP ENFJ ENTP
    spontaneous 5 ESFP ISFP ESTP ISTP ENFP
    adaptable 5 ESFP ISFP ESTP ISTP INFP
    independent 5 ISTP ENFP ENTP INTP INTJ
    responsible 4 ESFJ ISFJ ESTJ ENFJ
    curious 4 ENFP INFP ENFJ ENTP
    enthusiastic 4 ESFJ ESTP ENFP ENFJ
    sensitive 4 ISFP ISFJ INFP INFJ
    decisive 4 ESFJ ESTJ ENTJ INTJ
    theoretical 4 ENTP INTP ENTJ INTJ
    creative 4 ENFP INFP INFJ ENTP
    assertive 4 ESTP ESTJ ENTP ENTJ
    sociable 4 ESFP ESFJ ENFP ENFJ
    persuasive 4 ESFP ESTP ENFP ENFJ
    compassionate 3 INFP ENFJ INFJ
    objectively critical 3 ESTJ INTP INTJ
    clear 3 ESTJ ENTJ INTJ
    detached 3 ISTP ISTJ INTP
    insightful 3 INFJ INTP INTJ
    dependable 3 ISFJ ESTJ ISTJ
    factual 3 ISFP ISTP ISTJ
    self-determined 3 ISTP INTP
    conceptual 3 INFJ ENTP INTJ
    idealistic 3 INFP ENFJ INFJ
    original 3 INFP INTP INTJ
    observant 3 ESFP ISFP ESTP
    caring 3 ISFP ENFP INFP
    supportive 3 ESFP ENFP ENFJ
    concerned 2 INFP ENFJ
    kind 2 ISFP ISFJ
    active 2 ESTP ENTP
    resourceful 2 ESFP ENTP
    strategic 2 ENTP ENTJ
    considerate 2 ISFP ISFJ
    sympathetic 2 ESFP ESFJ
    devoted 2 ISFJ INFP
    inspire leadership 2 ENFP ENFJ
    imaginative 2 ENFP ENFJ
    honor commitments 2 ISFJ ISTJ
    expressive 2 ENFP ENFJ
    concrete 2 ISFP ISFJ
    direct 2 ESTP ESTJ
    calm 2 ISTJ INTJ
    systematic 2 ESTJ ISTJ
    objective 2 ESTJ ISTJ
    straightforward 2 ESTP ESTJ
    versatile 2 ESTP ENFP
    visionary 2 INFJ INTJ
    autonomous 2 INTP INTJ
    flexible 2 ESTP INFP
    outgoing 2 ESFP ESFJ
    planful 2 INFJ ENTJ
    private 2 INFJ INTJ
    take charge 2 ESTJ ENTJ
    tactful 2 ESFP ESFJ
    challenging 2 ENTP ENTJ
    friendly 2 ESFP ENFP
    warm 2 ENFP ENFJ
    conscientious 2 ESFJ ISFJ
    fun loving 2 ESFP ESTP
    consistent 2 ESFJ ISTJ
    efficient 2 ESTJ INTJ
    strong values 2 ISFP ESFJ
    harmonious 2 ISFP ESFJ
    action oriented 2 ESFP ENTJ
    committed 2 INFP INFJ
    deep 2 INFP INFJ
    empathetic 2 INFP INFJ
    lively 2 ENFP ENTP
    outspoken 2 ESTJ ENTP
    responsive 2 ESFJ ENFJ
    personable 2 ESFJ ENFJ
    easygoing 2 ESFP ESTP
    thorough 2 ESFJ ISTJ
    traditional 2 ESFJ ISFJ
    tolerant 2 ESFP ISFP
    objective 2 ENTP ENTJ
    orderly 2 ESFJ ISTJ
    rational 2 ENTP INTJ
    adaptive 1 ENTP
    work with integrity 1 INFJ
    intense 1 INFJ
    selective 1 INFP
    congenial 1 ENFJ
    holistic 1 INFJ
    help others 1 ENFJ
    trustworthy 1 ENFJ
    clever 1 ENTP
    verbal 1 ENFJ
    gracious 1 ENFJ
    inspire change 1 ENFJ
    people-oriented 1 ENFJ
    self-expression 1 ENFJ
    facilitate others 1 ENFJ
    determined 1 INFJ
    motivate others 1 INFJ
    quiet warmth 1 INFJ
    seek meaning 1 INFJ
    metaphorical 1 INFJ
    diplomatic 1 ENFJ
    encourage harmony 1 INFJ
    individualistic 1 INFJ
    encourage 1 ENFJ
    symbolic 1 INFJ
    skeptical 1 INTP
    tough 1 ENTJ
    think ahead 1 ENTJ
    tough when necessary 1 ENTJ
    value intelligence 1 ENTJ
    straightforward 1 ENTJ
    stimulating 1 ENTJ
    self-confidence 1 ENTJ
    natural critics 1 ENTJ
    planners 1 ENTJ
    prefer new challenges 1 ENTJ
    provide structure 1 ENTJ
    competent 1 INTJ
    concise 1 INTJ
    productive 1 INTJ
    long-range planners 1 INTJ
    systems-minded 1 INTJ
    task-focused 1 INTJ
    value knowledge 1 INTJ
    global 1 INTJ
    firm 1 INTJ
    creative synthesizers 1 INTJ
    deliberate 1 INTJ
    demanding 1 INTJ
    expect competence 1 INTJ
    manage directly 1 ENTJ
    innovative theorizers 1 ENTJ
    cognitive 1 INTP
    challenge others 1 INTP
    contemplative 1 INTP
    dislike redundancy 1 INTP
    independent problem solvers 1 INTP
    take initiative 1 ENTP
    spur others on 1 ENTP
    enjoy complex challenges 1 ENTP
    enterprising 1 ENTP
    enthusiastic innovators 1 ENTP
    questioning 1 ENTP
    ingenious 1 INTP
    intensely curious 1 INTP
    controlled 1 ENTJ
    value intelligence 1 INTP
    critical 1 ENTJ
    fair 1 ENTJ
    global thinkers 1 ENTJ
    speculative 1 INTP
    virtuous 1 INFP
    interact intellectually 1 INTP
    mentally quick 1 INTP
    precise 1 INTP
    quickly see inconsistencies 1 INTP
    encourage independence 1 ENTP
    careful managing details 1 ISTJ
    service minded 1 ISFJ
    specific 1 ISFJ
    thoughtful of others 1 ISFJ
    good caretakers 1 ISFJ
    patient 1 ISFJ
    meticulous 1 ISFJ
    detailed 1 ISFJ
    follow rules 1 ISFJ
    low-key 1 ISFJ
    alert 1 ESTP
    good humor 1 ESTP
    rational problem solvers 1 ESTP
    react quickly 1 ESTP
    respond resourcefully 1 ESTP
    outgoing 1 ESTP
    pragmatic troubleshooters 1 ESTP
    negotiators 1 ESTP
    inventive 1 ESTP
    learn from doing 1 ESTP
    love life 1 ESTP
    value family 1 ESFJ
    respect rules 1 ESFJ
    talkative 1 ESFP
    vivacious 1 ESFP
    enthusiastic 1 ESFP
    affinity for nature 1 ISFP
    pleasant 1 ESFP
    playful 1 ESFP
    generous 1 ESFP
    keen observers 1 ESFP
    optimistic 1 ESFP
    attuned to others 1 ISFP
    dedicated 1 ISFP
    gentle 1 ISFP
    appreciative 1 ESFJ
    down-to-earth 1 ESFJ
    helpful 1 ESFJ
    understanding 1 ISFP
    trusting 1 ISFP
    gentle persuaders 1 ISFP
    modest 1 ISFP
    offer praise 1 ISFP
    adventurous 1 ISTP
    applied 1 ISTP
    steadfast 1 ISTJ
    value traditions 1 ISTJ
    gregarious 1 ENFP
    perceptive 1 ENFP
    sensible 1 ISTJ
    respect facts 1 ISTJ
    prefer working alone 1 ISTJ
    reasonable 1 ISTJ
    reliable 1 ISTJ
    restless 1 ENFP
    value depth 1 ENFP
    individual 1 INFP
    introspective 1 INFP
    long-range vision 1 INFP
    reticent 1 INFP
    gentle 1 INFP
    complex 1 INFP
    zest for life 1 ENFP
    value authenticity 1 ENFP
    appreciate nature 1 INFP
    painstaking 1 ISTJ
    focus on tasks 1 ISTJ
    logical problem solvers 1 ISTP
    resist regimentation 1 ISTP
    respond quickly 1 ISTP
    thrive on variety 1 ISTP
    lead through action 1 ISTP
    expedient 1 ISTP
    calm during crises 1 ISTP
    careful observers 1 ISTP
    confident 1 ISTP
    troubleshooters 1 ISTP
    objective critics 1 ISTP
    self-confident 1 ESTJ
    structured 1 ESTJ
    accept others 1 ESFP
    duty bound 1 ISTJ
    prefer proven procedures 1 ESTJ
    pragmatic 1 ESTJ
    foresee potential problems 1 ESTJ
    impersonal 1 ESTJ
    matter-of-fact 1 ESTJ
    value relationships 1 INFP