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The phenomenology of the cognitive functions

  • Published: 02-20-2017 Edited: 02-21-2017
  • Alright lets try using descriptive phenomenology on the cognitive functions and see where end up.

    Experiencing objects happening linearly, mechanistically, predetermined or deterministic sequentially. Void of rational (as in self-control) or voluntaristic elements, void of sentient qualities.

    Experiencing objects happening by voluntary intentions, objects motivated by affective or emotional objects, objects symbolising identity or narrative, objects related to motivations or attachments.

    Experiencing objects as unreal or relative to other similar objects. Experiencing objects as products of interpretation or as phenomena with no direct relationship with reality.

    Experiencing objects as distinct phenomena and directly related to reality. Experiencing objects as direct representations of reality.

    Experiencing objects as unorganised and in the need of organisation. Experiencing objects as potentially causing tension with goals or targets.

    Experiencing objects as free from constraints, experiencing objects as new potentials. Experiencing objects as new opportunities.

    Experiencing the self as integrated with the world. The world and the self is close to each other. The world affects the self and the self affects the world directly.

    Experiencing the self as separated from the world. The world and the self is at a distance. The world doesn't affects the self and the self doesn't affect the world directly.