Jungian functions to Neojungian Typology Contextualizations

  • Published: 05-25-2014 Edited: 05-25-2014
  • Here is a list of how to translate Jungian functions into Neojungian Typology Contextualizations. Note that the semantics of Jungian typology is not semantically equivalent to Neojungian Typology so the two systems are different, this translation is a explanation of how the Neojungian Typology developed from Jungian typology.


    Ni = A*E
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition with high interference and association, low detail.
    Si = C*E
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition with low intereference and association, highly detailed.
    Ne = A*P
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition with high interference and association, low detail.
    Se = C*P
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition with low interference and association, highly detailed.
    Fi = *OP
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition where information is put in relation to culture, social and emotional information.
    Fe = *OE
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition where information is put in relation to culture, social and emotional information.
    Ti = *DP
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition where information is put in relation to system, rules, laws and logical information.
    Te = *DE
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition where information is put in relation to system, rules, laws and logical information.


    NiTe / TeNi = ADE
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition with high interference and association, low detail where information is put in relation to system, rules, laws and logical information.
    NiFe / FeNi = AOE
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition with high interference and association, low detail where information is put in relation to culture, social and emotional information.
    SiTe / TeSi = CDE
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition with low interference and association, high detail where information is put in relation to system, rules, laws and logical information.
    SiFe / FeSi = COE
    Top-down / goal-driven cognition with low interference and association, high detail where information is put in relation to culture, social and emotional information.
    NeTi / TiNe = ADP
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition with high interference and association, low detail where information is put in relation to system, rules, laws and logical information.
    NeFi / FiNe = AOP
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition with high interference and association, low detail where information is put in relation to culture, social and emotional information.
    SeTi / TiSe = CDP
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition with low interference and association, high detail where information is put in relation to system, rules, laws and logical information.
    SeFi / FiSe = COP
    Bottom-up / stimulus-driven cognition with low interference and association, high detail where information is put in relation to system, rules, laws and logical information.

    Introverted vs Extroverted

    If a type has a introverted function as their first function in Jungian Typology then we can suffix their type-code with -LA meaning low attention. This will be a indicator of the type using their daydreaming / fantasy / auto-pilot all the time to some degree. If a type has a extroverted function as their first in Jungian Typology we can suffix their type-code with -HA meaning high attention. That will be indicator of low use of daydreaming / fantasy / auto-pilot during situations which require focused external attention.