Explorers in relationships
Explorers keep our eyes open for changes and new possibilities. They inspire us to make changes. They test out different choices, helping us understand the consequences and possibilities of various decisions. But they sometimes disregard plans and agreements with others, sometimes trying too hard to avoid responsibility. It’s important for Explorers to have free, open relationships, which allow them to try new things.
Inspirational pairings (Leaders – Explorer relationships)
In this inspirational pairing, leaders meet someone that actively disobeys and ignores orders and rules. Explorers find leaders to be overly set in their ways, pushing buttons and testing to see how the leader will react. Leaders try to capture and create order in the Explorers life, creating a tug of war which tends to both motivate and give the two focus and clarity.
Stable pairings (Explorers – Fighter relationships)
In this relationship pairing, both tend to find focus and clarity from interacting with the other, but when they need motivation and energy, these two types can’t help each other’s. Fighters keep Explorers working towards a certain path, no matter what happens. Explorers keep Fighters posted on changes and new problems that need to be dealt with.
Productive pairings (Explorers – Teacher relationships)
In this relationship pairing, both tend to find motivation and energy from interacting with the other. Encouraging each other’s, they risk sometimes lacking in focus and control. Teachers have to stay on their feet around Explorers, as Explorers keep rushing forward changes and new possibilities, faster than a Teacher can prepare. Teachers on the other hand, try hard to keep Explorers safe from risks and bad decisions, though they find Explorers don’t really tend to listen.
Competitive pairings (Explorer - Explorer relationships)
Here, you meet someone who understands your behavior and methods perfectly well, but someone who also competes for the same arena. What tends to happen in these relations is, one person goes into the role of the surfer, always being faster and the first to the scene of action, while the other feels left behind, constantly trying to catch up to the other's speed, causing the relationship to be competitive in its nature.