Cognitive Personality Evaluation

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    • Published: 10-26-2015 08:53 am
    • "The Cognitive Perspectives Personality Evaluation is designed to calculate your four letter personality type based upon your responses to a comprehensive set of questions. Answer the following questions as accurately as possible! When you are finished, you will receive a comprehensive profile based upon your answers that includes both your four letter type and your estimated use of each of the eight cognitive functions."
    • Published: 10-26-2015 08:54 am
      Updated: 10-26-2015 08:55 am
    • I really enjoyed this. Good questions I think. The result could be better by:

      1. Giving an evaluation whether it is statistically significant result or not
      2. How good I fit different types. It seems my ISTJ/INFJ/ISFJ result is equally strong by the test says INTJ anyway.

      Here is the INTJ description:

      "INTJs are often experts at building systems, strategies, or theoretical models. Similar to INFJs, INTJs are almost always living the future because of their dominant introverted intuition (Ni) and are always considering what comes next. They are always carefully calculating what steps they will plan next. For this reason, they have been deemed 'The Masterminds'. The INTJ has also been called 'The Scientist' because many INTJs are exceptionally skilled at using the scientific method to perform research. They tend to be visionaries and are skill at making their visions realities. They strive to meet their goals and can easily become obsessed with them. Sometimes, however, it is important for them to remember not to be self-critical if their goals are not. INTJs are best suited for positions where they can put their innovative ideas to work and control the execution of their ideas."
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