NFs have a personal relationship to everything

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    • Published: 06-21-2016 10:34 am

    • Christian likes this post.
    • Published: 06-29-2016 05:34 pm
      Updated: 06-29-2016 05:35 pm
    • Good video. I think so too.

      I remember when I was young and people were mean and then told you to "don't take it personally". Like sometimes people do rude things but ask you to not take it personally, it's distinctly different from things that are in general impersonal, like a automatic ticket machine. But also, some people have a behavior which radiate "impersonalence" and this makes people not take them as personal as you would with other people which are very personal. Like some people are personal most of the time and some people are not and I think people learn and interpret different people in different ways. Like thoughminded people can be more ruthless without being considered rude because they are like that, and some people can't, it's like specific behaviour is evaluated in relation to how the person behaves normally when trying to understand if something was personal or not, rude or not, inconsiderate or just impersonal.

      Just some thoughts :)
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