Intellectual Leaders
Intellectual Leaders are serious, focused, and goal-oriented. They think long-term about their life and enjoy developing big, complex systems. They are theoretical, logical, intelligent, and functionalistic. They strive for success and improvement, good for coming up with new projects, and they thrive when they can study and develop themselves. They are objective, impersonal, and result-oriented, and find strong pleasure and satisfaction in overcoming challenges, successfully undertaking a project, or learning a new skill. They are rebellious and anti-establishment, and seek independent beliefs. They are autonomous and proactive, and can actively be champions for their ideas and thoughts on how others or how the world could be improved.
They take on the spider-in-the-web trait to study and control the flow of the group, carefully sitting back and studying how the system works and could work better. They are stable and calm, and great for explaining and making people understand their ideas and their projects. They are self-reflective and take their time to understand their fears and worries, using their knowledge and their thinking to prepare and to equip themselves to deal with scary changes.
They are curious and inventive, imaginative, and instinctive, seeking to learn and to know as much as possible about their goals and decisions. They can use this information to help others prepare ahead of a project or changes. They often change and play around with rules, seeking both to follow rules and to be strategical. They are not uncommon to take risks in business, or to gamble or play in games involving strategy and risk-assessment. They set boundaries and limitations for projects, to help the group stay focused on a project. They tend to have their own recipe for success and happiness, along with rules they follow to achieve this success.
Intellectual Leaders & Their behavioral variations
You show intellectual leadership when you 1. Guide people on how to improve their results 2. Think about how problems could be fixed, and 3. Evaluate past decisions and experiences based on what problems and flaws you could find, and when you are in this state, you experience both a high state of active focus, as well as motivation and energy.
You rely on the empathic teacher subtype when you 1. Predict how a symbol may grow or change over time. 2. Come up with strategies for how to express nuanced, symbolical messages, or 3. Question existential beliefs and expressions that others take for granted, and when you use this state, you experience an incredibly sharp focus at the cost of lower motivation and energy overtime.
You show practical fighting spirit when you 1. Enforce routines and structure when others are out of control. 2. Create systems of rules and laws for people to live by, or 3. Actively stand up for laws and rules when other people question them, and when you use this state, you experience an emotional high, at the cost of lack of focus and clarity.
You use social exploration when you 1. Meet and interact with new people 2. React with your gut to things that seem beautiful or good, and 3. Use your instincts to know what is morally right. When you use this unconscious state, you lose motivation and energy, as well as focus and clarity.
Intellectual types have the highest need for challenge and complexity. It's important they express their needs for puzzles, improvement, and new projects, in order to maintain their health and motivation.
In relationships, healthy intellectuals value stimulating learning experiences. Intellectuals tend to engage in various projects, working to develop or improve themselves or the people around them. They often discuss success, improvement, and they spend a lot of time exploring new ideas for projects and learning opportunities with others. More negatively, unhealthy intellectual types can suffer from inferiority issues, feeling incompetent or weak compared to others. They can feel like the people around them are boring and understimulating. It’s important for intellectual types to deal with their anxiety, and the best way to do so is to challenge yourself in a healthy way. Learn things at your own pace. Explore what you’re curious about. Watch yourself improve and learn about how good you can be if you just try!
Leaders give us a sense of direction. They help us find a resolve and a goal. They make good mentors, helping us understand past events and decisions. We often consult them to understand problems we are facing. They help us make reality of plans and fantasies, pushing us in a direction. But leaders sometimes forget others have a free will, trying too hard to control others decisions and behavior. It's important for Leaders to maintain their need for direction, goals, as well as their need for understanding themselves and the choices they have made so far, in order to maintain healthy relationships with others.
The ideal relationship for an Intellectual Leader is with an Intellectual Explorer