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The Practical Teachers

PT stands for practical teacher, and it refers to someone who enters a state of flow, motivation, and mindfulness when they can successfully predict changes to an environments rules, structure and order.


Practical types seek order and rules, thinking logically about how the world works, mastering instructions, and rehearsing information out of a desire to become competent and knowledgeable. Practical types skillfully apply empirical reasoning and gained knowledge to solve problems, preferring to rely on knowledge than speculation. They are constantly in the state of practicing and rehearsing, making them skilled at recognizing and retrieving information when necessary. Overtime, they are routine-driven people who create traditions and order in their environment. Practical types make sure that society functions by creating laws, structures and procedures, and by making sure people who follow the laws are rewarded appropriately for it. Practical types have the highest need for order and structure of all types. They daily need work, tasks, and routines to feel motivated and energized, and if they can express these needs positively, they can make good policemen, construction workers, often working for the state as bureucrates, or even pursuing athletic careers.

Teachers spend a lot of time in preparation, thinking over options, analyzing any possibilities they can find. Relying on introspection, they accumulate a lot of wisdom about the world around them, wisdom they can use to guide others in future decisions. But teachers also analyze potential problems and issues, and how they can be avoided, and teachers only assume the position of the teacher when they feel knowledgeable within an area, spending a lot of time studying, researching, and testing before they let their wings fly. If you ever want guidance ahead of a decision, seek out a teacher. Teachers have thought over every possibility at least once.

Practical Teachers & Their behavioral patterns

Active Practical Teachers

You rely on the practical teacher subtype when you 1. Predict how well someone will do at a task. 2. Come up with strategies for how to get people to work for the system, or 3. Question laws and rules that others take for granted, and you do so with a fairly high focus as well as motivation and energy.

Stable Intellectual Explorers

You show explorative intelligence when you 1. Find new ways to improve your behavior 2. React with your gut to things that seem interesting or complex, and 3. Learn about different methods and tools, and how they can be used. You do so with a high motivation and energy, but an overall low focus.[/color]

Stable Social Leaders

You show social leadership when you 1. Guide people on how to behave 2. Think about how things could be made to be more beautiful and 3. Evaluate past decisions and experiences based on how they felt to you. You do so with a tremendously high concentration, but an overall low motivation and energy.[/color]

Empathic Fighters 

You show empathic fighting spirit when you 1. Enforce moral values and existential beliefs when people seem to waver. 2. Create or join causes or groups to express your existential goals, or 3. Actively support causes you care about when they are questioned by others, and you engage in this state with a low enthusiasm and a scattered focus.


Practical types have the highest need for security and order. It's important they express their need for routines, stability, and labour, in order to maintain their health and motivation.


As a Teacher, it’s important for your emotional health & your focus to:

- Try to analyze and prepare for different possibilities.
- Try to stay ahead of everyone else.
- Try to analyze your current values and thoughts.

If unable to do so successfully, you risk experiencing lack of motivation or stress. You also risk making unnecessary mistakes.
When Teachers engage in mindsets similar to those of the Leaders, they gain a heightened focus but a lack of motivation. When Teachers instead engage in the mindset of the Explorers, they gain a heightened motivation, but a lack of focus. If Teachers are forced to rely on the mindset of the Fighters, they lose both motivation and focus.


In relationships, healthy practical types value routine, power, and respect. They have other people’s backs, supporting and letting other people know they can be trusted. They go by a code, making them be seen as reliable and respectable. They seek to build their character and to honour their commitments, and they want others to show them they are respected. Unhealthy practical types can become disrespectful in relationships, beating down on others and making others feel weak. It’s important that they deal with their anger and their feeling that they aren’t given enough for the things they contribute to the world. Make sure you get your physical needs, as well as your physical needs, exercise, and economic security, in order to maintain healthy relationships with others!

Teachers help us prepare for what is to come. They make us feel safe, staying ahead of anything that’s happening. They seem to know us and what we will do better than anyone. But teachers sometimes postpone decisions for too long. They avoid voicing their needs to others, and they can be too secretive at times. It’s important for teachers to maintain their needs for staying ahead of the situation, by letting themselves have time to prepare and think ahead, in order to maintain healthy relationships.

Practical Teachers are ideally paired with people who share a similar worldview (The practical worldview) as they share a similar interest for structure, order and rules. Teachers also commonly form long-term relationships with Fighters, but teaming up with other temperaments also has it's advantages.