The Sixteen Types

Example of two types: 

Who are the practical explorers? 

Practical types actively rely on the concrete and task-positive (mechanic) networks in the mind, while explorers actively rely on the bottom-up (explorative) and reactive (processing) networks. (XCMP in the old system)

Practical types seek order and rules, thinking logically about how the world works, mastering instructions, and rehearsing information out of a desire to become competent and knowledgeable. Practical types skillfully apply empirical reasoning and gained knowledge to solve problems, preferring to rely on knowledge than speculation. They are constantly in the state of practicing and rehearsing, making them skilled at recognizing and retrieving information when necessary. Overtime, they are routine-driven people who create traditions and order in their environment. Practical types make sure that society functions by creating laws, structures and procedures, and by making sure people who follow the laws are rewarded appropriately for it. Practical types have the highest need for order and structure of all types. They daily need work, tasks, and routines to feel motivated and energized, and if they can express these needs positively, they can make good policemen, construction workers, often working for the state as bureucrates, or even pursuing athletic careers.

Being e(x)plorers, they are instinctively reacting to changes around them, taking the role of the dancer, always going with the flow, the vibe of the room, adapting to new possibilities and instinctively pursuing what they want in the present moment. Explorers have the most curious of the temperaments, reacting and alerting the group to problems before anyone else notices it. Explorers are also constantly stirring things up, testing out what could possibly happen, pushing buttons and exploring options. They keep the group awake and open to changes.

Who are the Empathic Leaders?  

Empathic types rely on the abstract (conceptual) and organic (default-mode) networks in the mind to understand information, while relying on the top-down (evaluative) and proactive (executive) networks to make decisions. (VAOE in the old system)

Empaths seek purpose and reason, acting with imagination and fantasy in their eyes. Their creativity primarily is shown in their ability to envision and study hidden motivations, nuanced communication, and hidden symbols. If they hone this ability, they soon develop their fluid empathy, which is useful in the recreative fields, for example acting, arts, and music. As an empath, you find creative ways of expressing your identity and values to others. Empaths often have a thirst for discovery: they pursue new experiences, seeing parts of the world nobody has seen before, or questioning and exploring existence as a whole, in the hope of learning things that nobody has known before. Empaths have the highest need for recreation of all types, causing them to daily need music, art, or recreation to maintain their motivation and energy.

Being leaders, they always have a plan, a goal, and skills in decision making. Often spending long time in deep thought, they are always analyzing their decisions and actions, trying to understand who they are and how they could improve. Using the insight they know, they can make big picture decisions, maintaining focus on their goals and values. Leaders excel at explaining why they make the decisions they make, guiding and mentoring others. Leaders assume a position of leadership only after they have a big picture idea of what they want to do with their influence, and often spend a lot of their time in the position of an apprentice, planning for the day where they can assume more responsibility for the group. Leaders help us understand the choices we make and who we are.

These sixteen types all have four unique states they switch between in order to deal with tasks outside of their preferences. Dig deeper here.


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