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Neojungian Personality Types, part two
Published: 02-13-2015 Edited: 02-13-2015
- What's your personality type? Read these descriptions and find out which descriptions fits you best!
This section covers the Abstract & Mechanic Execution cluster as well as the Abstract & Mechanic Processor cluster.
For part one, click here: I want to read about the Abstract & Organic Execution cluster and the Abstract & Organic Processing cluster.
The Ranger (AME)
Core interest: Working towards long-term success.
Abstract & Mechanic Execution (AME) falls into the main archetype of The Ranger. This is because of their tendency towards understanding their environment, they know their field of interest, they have an amazing oversight over their interests, and they are masters of administering and managing the system. Rangers spend alot of time scouting and keeping up to date with their fields, out of fear that their current knowledge is going to be outdated if they don't keep educating themselves. Rangers often have clear long-term goals, or some direction that they are heading towards in life, and most of their work is done to stay devoted to this project of becoming masters within their fields of interest. They tend to attract the interest of Rogues (AMP) as Rogues find it interesting how well thought out their plans and goals are.
AME, Hillary Clinton
The Monk (AOG)
Core Interest: Remembering life lessons and where to go in life.
Abstract & Mechanic Execution also falls into two subtypes, The Abstract & Organic Cognition (AOG) falls into The Monk archetype, which is a more laid back, introspective archetype, that out of fear of being hurt or thrown off balance, develop various remedies, cures and rituals, such as meditation, that can make sure that they feel harmonious and balanced. Monks often fill the roles of scribes, writing down and trying to store knowledge of historical events, remembering and reflecting on facts of life, and using them as lessons for the future. Monks tend to attract alot of interest from Enchanters as Enchanters find them to be highly knowledgeable about life and what is truly meaningful and necessary for us to grow.
The Soldier (CMF)
Core interest: Being able to survive in dangerous or harmful conditions.
The Soldier archetype which is more focused on maintaining status quo and safety of the group by fighting on the frontlines, with the help of Concrete & Mechanic Affection, they are similar to the Knight in that they are on the frontlines, but different in that their main priority is immidiate safety and survival. The Soldiers use what they have learnt instinctively, highly aware of the dangers that others pose unless everyone follows the orders, and they can move and make decisions instinctively to ensure that they stay out of harms way. Soldiers tend to inspire Crafters as Soldiers are so ready to put themselves out there in harms way, to fight for what they want, where Crafters tend to take too long to prepare an ambition they wonder if they are ever going to dare to pursue.
The Hedonist (COP) (Wrongly named "The Hunter" in the chart above!)
Core interest: Expressing feelings, likes, and dislikes openly.
Hedonists are gatherers in that they look for and save anything life has to offer, understanding what a person needs to feel truly loved and appreciated, Concrete and Organic Processors make people feel safe and loved for who they are, as well as authentically expressing just what they desire and like about others. COP's quickly understand what they want and like, and they will express this honestly to everyone around them. As Hedonists, they want others to express what they love in life, as well as what they dislike, and COP's will often try to mirror these interests, loving others just the way others want to be loved, and supporting others just the way others want to be supported. Hedonists inspire Politicians (COE) as Hedonists are open about what they want and need to feel appreciated, going to get it as they feel the need for it, rather than waiting and planning for the right moment to claim it.
The Rogues (AMP)
Core interest: Giving technical support
Abstract & Mechanic Processing (AMP) drives us to fall into The Rogue archetype, representing someone who is performance oriented, and who relies on an open mind to study and evaluate the performance of themselves and others, simply by looking at the dynamics and the results of our actions. Rogues rely on little energy, working efficiently to problem-shoot and to give technical feedback to various problems with tools, workers, and project goals, and Rogues can quicker than anyone understand and notice problems in performance as well as how to overcome these problems, making them great in tech-related fields and anywhere where they can work through supporting others in accomplishing their ambitions in life. Rogues tend to inspire Rangers alot because Rogues are able to, even without much experience in the field, understand it's basic functions and problems.
The Enchanter (AOF)
Core interest: Inspiring people to grow
They have secondary archetypes, in particular, they can use Abstract & Organic Affection to fall into the Enchanter archetype, which represents someone who instinctively knows how to restore harmony to a group, comforting those that are hurt, and finding the right thing to say to make others feel better in the moment. Enchanters rely on jokes, a good sense of humor, and witty comebacks, adapting to the flow of the group, causing them to be able to fit in almost anywhere, while making others in the group feel safe to be themselves. Enchanters can also struggle with anger and impatience when they feel like they are being lied to, or when they feel like others are hurting them or someone they love. Enchanters inspire Monks alot as Enchanters are so full of life and enthusiasm, always with something motivational or exciting in their hands.
AMP, Will Smith
The Crafter (CMG)
Core interest: Learning how to be safe.
Crafters work through remembering how to use tools and objects, tinkering to make objects that they can use to protect themselves and others from concerns and worries. Crafters are interested in using technology and tools, and crafters can understand long-term concerns and how to prepare for them, setting up projects, tools or other things they can use to solve problems. Crafters are constantly doubting if their project or tool is going to work, causing them to constantly tinker, and repair their products, maintaining rituals that will keep themselves safe. At worst, though, this can cause them to bottle up feelings of worry within themselves, thinking that something is going to fail even when it is all going to work out well. Crafters inspire Soldiers (CMF) as Crafters always have a back-up plan for every eventuality, and as Crafters seem to offer some good critical questions about what ambitions you have in life and just how far you are ready to go to work through them.
The Politician (COE)
Core interest: Representing the interests of the people.
Lastly, in Concrete & Organic Execution, they have a form called The Politician, interested in leading and controlling social dynamics, and group values. Politicians are constantly in control of their image and how they come across, relying on any form of makeup or strategies that will make them appear honorable, trustworthy and of good ethos. Politicians seek to be liked and appreciated for their effort, seeking the vote and vocal support of the group, asking for input and trying to direct the group and the people they are associated with, to establish their identity within the group, and politicians are often in positions where they can teach others what behavior and what forms of identity expressions that are loveable and authentic. Politicians tend to inspire Hedonists because Politicians know just how to be loved, not just through action, but also through strategy and self-restraint.
Have any comments, thoughts or advice on the descriptions? Feel free to post a comment here.
Part one: I want to read about the Abstract & Organic Execution cluster and the Abstract & Organic Processing cluster.
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