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What's your Neojungian Type?

  • Published: 05-18-2015 Edited: 05-18-2015
  • The purpose of Neojungian Typology is to understand people’s differences and similarities when making decisions, understanding dynamics, and dealing with conflicts.

    We do this by interpreting studies made in neuroscience to understand various classical personality theories, such as introversion and extroversion, from a scientific perspective. We can predict a person’s personality type, as well as how it affects their health and behavior, depending on their environment and upbringing.

    The differences we’ve mapped out have big impacts on our daily personality, behavior, and decisions, as well as the work we pursue. In the end, we are able to map out sixteen personality types, that change between four emotional states.Your primary method of control: How do you control the flow in an environment? In a primarily proactive (executive) style or in a reactive (processing) style?

    Execution types: Execution types experience proactive control consciously, and reactive control unconsciously.

    They are more likely to control their environment by making sure their decisions and actions match their values, knowledge and system of beliefs.
    They are more likely to be able to hold on to personal values and beliefs even if the environment or new information arises that questions their beliefs.
    They are driven to create new information and to engage others with their beliefs, values and knowledge.

    Processing types: Processing types experience proactive control consciously, and reactive control unconsciously.

    They are more likely to adjust their behavior, values and beliefs to match new information and to respond to changes.
    They have a stronger need for making adjustments and changes in their life and environment than execution types.
    They have a higher need for hearing new information, learning new things and trying out new activities.

    How do you deal with conflicting information?

    Now that you’ve figured out this, it’s time to figure out how you handle information conflicts. What do you do when you notice conflicting information? In this situation, you can have either an evaluative or an explorative discernment style.

    Evaluative types: Evaluative types are emotionally centered when they engage in evaluative discernments, but become affective and emotional during explorative discernments. They are the introverts of Neojungian typology.

    Evaluative types are more likely to respond to conflicting information carefully, taking a step back to think before making a decision on which piece of information is correct.Evaluative types become more confident and calm when they can take their time to evaluate a situation, without needing to improvise. Evaluative types have a higher need for solving conflicts and making peace.

    Explorative types: Explorative types are emotionally centered when they engage in explorative discernments, but become affective and emotional during evaluative discernments. They are the extroverts of neojungian typology.

    Explorative types are more likely to respond to conflicting information curiously, engaging the conflict directly.Explorative types can make quick decisions on new or uncertain information without being worried of being incorrect.Explorative types have a higher need for conflicts, dynamics, changes and clashes of values.

    What’s your association pattern? Now that we’ve figured out this much, it’s time to figure out what your association style is. Some have developed to make perceptual associations (Concrete), where others make conceptual associations. (Abstract)

    Abstract execution types: Abstract execution types primarily control conceptual information proactively.

    They tend to look at their own values and beliefs from a meta-perspective, while looking at new information and values accurately and directly.
    They are creative in how they understand their own thinking patterns, beliefs and knowledge, and critical of how they look at new beliefs, values and information.
    They focus on changing and finding connections between their different ideas and goals, but they focus on differences and precision when understanding new information, trying to see their environment in an as accurate way as possible.

    Abstract Processing types: Abstract processing types primarily control conceptual information reactively, while controlling perceptual information proactively.

    They tend to look at their history and their beliefs accurately and directly, while looking at new information and changes from a meta-perspective.
    They are critical of their own beliefs, values, and their knowledge, seeking accurate beliefs, while looking at new opinions and new information creatively and playfully.
    They focus on finding connections between pieces of new information, while focusing on differences and inaccuracies when looking at what they already know and believe.

    Lastly, we want to know what your encoding style is. Some have developed to make organic discernments, where others make mechanic discernments.

    Organic Explorative types: Organic explorative types will primarily look to the effects and consequences when making quick decisions, while looking to mechanics and established rules when making careful decisions.

    They will look at a new situation as if it was an episode and like they are acting out a character, making decisions that reflect their personality.
    They will, when they take a step back to evaluate the situation, begin to look more at the rules and the laws they have learnt in order to solve a conflict.
    They seek to solve and understand conflicts by looking at instruction manuals, or by applying rules or laws to the conflict, and they engage and create conflicts by looking at their personality, beliefs and values.

    Mechanic Explorative types: Mechanic Explorative types will primarily look to established rules, laws and mechanics when making quick decisions, but when they take a step back to think, they will be more open to studying the positive or negative effects of a belief or a decision.

    They will look at a new situation by studying the mechanics, the rules and the differences in status of the people and objects in a group.
    They will, when they take a step back, begin to consider their personality, their beliefs and their values and how that can solve a conflict.
    They seek to solve and understand conflicts by understanding how their personality, their beliefs and values may have caused it, and they engage conflicts by discussing the power differences and the behavior of the people in a room.

    You may need additional resources, testing and information to accurately pin down your personality type, but after that, you will have a personality type affirmed by evidence rather than just theoretical speculation.