QZ - "Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body"
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Published: 03-05-2017 03:11 am
I think one could argue that this definition of mind is mind-dependent, meaning that it only makes sense when understood by a mind. The emergence of mind is not a empirical fact minds have not yet been created outside of organic processes. I kind of like this definition still, but it lacks any voluntaristic element, it does not explain why there would need to be conscious agent which "makes calls" on what to do, why wouldn't this kind of mind as described here be a mechanistic artifact simply optimizing energy and information flow governed by formal principles.
"He first came up with the definition more than two decades ago, at a meeting of 40 scientists across disciplines, including neuroscientists, physicists, sociologists, and anthropologists. The aim was to come to an understanding of the mind that would appeal to common ground and satisfy those wrestling with the question across these fields.After much discussion, they decided that a key component of the mind is: “the emergent self-organizing process, both embodied and relational, that regulates energy and information flow within and among us.” It’s not catchy. But it is interesting, and with meaningful implications."