Neurocognitive Processes of Human Memory

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    • Published: 05-09-2014 03:29 am
      Updated: 05-11-2014 01:03 pm

      "This article consists of three main parts. First, I distinguish between two lage classes of memory in terms of the temporal orientation of their function. Most forms of memory are future-oriented, and only one, episodic, is past-oriented. Future-oriented forms of memory are evolutionarily older, and the past-oriented episodic memory is more recent.
      Second I summarize the findings from positron emission tomography (PET) studies that show different brain regions involved in encoding and retrieval processes in episodic memory. One interesting finding is the hemispheric asymmetry in retreival: Retreival of general factual information (semantic memory) activates cortical regions primarily in the left hemisphere, whereas, retreival of information about recent happenings, such as having studied an experimentally presented word (episodic memory), activates cortical regions predominantly in the right hemisphere."

      ".. To date, several studies suggest that the frontally supported "retreival mode", and possibly the as yet unexplored "encoding mode", represent particular instance of the concept of "neurocognitive set". Neurocognitive sets are patterns of coherent neuronal activity that determine the kind of processing performed on incoming and online information, that inhibit the many other kinds of processing that the brain is capable of performing on the same stimuli, and also enable the brain to do a great deal of task-relevant processing of a stimulus before the stimulus occurs."

      I think the "encoding mode" in this research article from 1998 is related to the Organic and Deterministic contextualizations.
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