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Sensory Processing Sensitivity - A Review in the Light of the Evolution of Biological Responsivity
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Published: 06-11-2014 09:28 am
"This article reviews the literature on sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) in light of growing evidence from evolutionary biology
that many personality differences in nonhuman species involve being more or less responsive, reactive, flexible, or sensitive
to the environment. After briefly defining SPS, it first discusses how biologists studying animal personality have conceptualized
this general environmental sensitivity. Second, it reviews relevant previous human personality/temperament work, focusing
on crossover interactions (where a trait generates positive or negative outcomes depending on the environment), and
traits relevant to specific hypothesized aspects of SPS: inhibition of behavior, sensitivity to stimuli, depth of processing, and
emotional/physiological reactivity. Third, it reviews support for the overall SPS model, focusing on development of the Highly
Sensitive Person (HSP) Scale as a measure of SPS then on neuroimaging and genetic studies using the scale, all of which bears
on the extent to which SPS in humans corresponds to biological responsivity."
Basically this science concludes that HSP (or SPS) does not correlate with Introversion / Extroversion personality traits.
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