The Role of Eye Movements During Visual Fixation*

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    • Published: 06-25-2014 07:47 am

      "Our eyes continually move even while we fixate our gaze on an object. Although fixational eye movements have a magnitude that should make them visible to us, we are unaware of them. If fixational eye movements are counteracted, our visual perception fades completely due to neural adaptation. Thus our visual system has a built-in paradox. We must fixate our gaze to inspect the minute details of our world; yet, if we were to fixate perfectly, the entire world would fade from view. Their role in counteracting adaptation makes fixational eye movements an important tool for investigating how the brain makes the environment visible. By studying fixational eye movements, we hope to understand the visual processing that occurs during fixation, both in normal vision and in patients with oculomotor disease."
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