An Introduction to Socionics: Part 1 - The Jungian Dichotomies and IM Elements
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Published: 07-03-2014 05:26 am
"Socionics is a theory that combines Jungian psychology and sociology, categorising types of personality and explaining how those different personalities interact with each other. It is taught in 150 different universities around Eastern Europe.
Its greatest inspiration was Carl Jung and his famous Psychological Types (1921). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator shares this original source.
Antoni Kępiński, a Polish psychiatrist, came up with a psychological theory of human interactions called Information Metabolism in which we process information into behaviour like an organism metabolises food into energy.
In the late 1970’s, Lithuanian psychologist and sociologist, Aušra Augustinavičiūtė took Information Metabolism and combined it with Psychological Types to create the foundations of Socionics.
Following Aušra, a variety of socionists have expanded on the basic theory. Foremost among these are Victor Gulenko, Gregory Reinin and Alexander Bukalov."
A new blog by Jack Aron, explaining Socionics.