Version 0.9 of the self-reporting test released
See all posts in this thread below.
Published: 09-06-2014 11:45 am
Updated: 10-21-2014 06:33 am
Version 0.9 of the self-reporting test is released, you can do it here.
The type descriptions need to be updated and also the typology document, will do that soon.
This is how test-result is calculated:
0[0] +DE I prefer working towards goals where you must take mechanics of systems, rules or laws into consideration.
0[1] -DE I prefer working towards goals where you must take peoples experience, emotions and social dynamics into consideration.
1[0] +DE I experience my emotions mostly automatic and reflexive, as a reaction to external or internal events.
1[1] -DE I often consciously use my emotions to move myself and others into the right directions.
2[0] +DE When I am consciously working towards a goal I tend to be less aware of my emotions.
2[1] -DE When I am consciously working towards a goal I tend to be more aware of my emotions.
3[0] +AP When doing creative activites I prefer not having any goal defined but just indiscriminately trying different ideas.
3[1] -AP When doing creative activites I prefer having a goal defined with which you can try different ideas with.
4[0] +AP I'm often most creative when I'm doing automatic reflections on information.
4[1] -AP I'm most creative when consciously working towards defined goals.
5[0] +AP I tend to be less creative when there are defined criterias to be met.
5[1] -AP I tend to be more creative when there are defined critieras to be met.
6[0] +E I like goal-directed tasks more than I like to indescriminately understand and explore new information.
6[1] -E I like to indescriminately understand and explore new information more than I like goal-directed tasks.
7[0] +E I like focusing on one goal over prolonged period of time more than attending to new information as it appears.
7[1] -E I like attending to new information as it appears more than focusing on one goal over prolonged period of time.
8[0] +E I like to make sure activites are following the set goals.
8[1] -E I like to update the goals for the activity if needed.
9[0] -HS When situations require my focused external attention I often forget about my internal thinking.
9[1] -MS When situations require my focused external attention I sometimes forget about my internal thinking.
9[2] -LS When situations require my focused external attention I rarely forget about my internal thinking.
if (DE over 0)
if (AP over 0)
if (E over 0)
$type = 'CDE-AOP'
$type = 'AOP-CDE'
if (E over 0)
$type = 'ADE-COP'
$type = 'COP-ADE'
if (AP over 0)
if (E over 0)
$type = 'COE-ADP'
$type = 'ADP-COE'
if (E over 0)
$type = 'AOE-CDP'
$type = 'CDP-AOE'
Saliency is added in relation to answer to last question.