The Psychological Comforts of Storytelling
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Published: 11-21-2014 08:30 am
"When an English archaeologist named George Smith was 31 years old, he became enchanted with an ancient tablet in the British Museum. Years earlier, in 1845, when Smith was only a five-year-old boy, Austen Henry Layard, Henry Rawlinson, and Hormuzd Rassam began excavations across what is now Syria and Iraq. In the subsequent years they discovered thousands of stone fragments, which they later discovered made up 12 ancient tablets. But even after the tablet fragments had been pieced together, little had been translated. The 3,000-year-old tablets remained nearly as mysterious as when they had been buried in the ruins of Mesopotamian palaces."
Published: 11-21-2014 08:35 am
It's quite ironic how the evolutionary psychologist tries to justify his/hers theory about stories by relating it to the story of evolution-theory. Why would a theory be correct just because it can be related to a story..