Scientists detect brain network that gives humans superior reasoning skills
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Published: 12-03-2014 02:36 pm
"When it comes to getting out of a tricky situation, we humans have an evolutionary edge over other primates. Take, as a dramatic example, the Apollo 13 voyage in which engineers, against all odds, improvised a chemical filter on a lunar module to prevent carbon dioxide buildup from killing the crew."
Published: 12-03-2014 02:38 pm
Updated: 12-03-2014 02:41 pm
“This research has led us to take seriously the possibility that tweaks to this network over an evolutionary timescale could help to explain differences in the way that humans and other primates solve problems,” said UC Berkeley neuroscientist Silvia Bunge, the study’s principal investigator.“It’s not just that we humans have language at our disposal. We also have the capacity to compare and integrate several pieces of information in a way that other primates don’t,” she added.
Once again Darwin was wrong about applying intellectual reductionism about the difference between humans and non-human primates. It seems to be a difference in magnitude of kind rather than degree.