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Psychlopedia about Elaborative Rehearsal

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    • Published: 02-14-2015 02:37 am

      "Definition: A working-memory process in which information is actively reviewed and related to information already in LTM (Long-term Memory). (pg 245)

      Quite Simply...
      Relating two concepts to one another in order to give them meaning.
      A technique used to help you remember something by relating it to something simpler already in your long-term memory.
      Relating new knowledge to past knowledge.
      Trying to connect new information with past knowledge/experience to remember something better
      Elaborative rehearsal is a memory technique that involves thinking about the meaning of the term to be remembered, as opposed to simply repeating the word to yourself over and over.
      Examples of Elaborative Rehearsal:
      Some words in Spanish like abandonar can be remember easily because it is associated with the English word "abandon".
      Using the acronym PEMDAS which each of the letters stand for a step in mathematics that you are supposed to follow in order which are Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Adding, and Subtracting; Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally.
      Using Roy G. Biv to remember that the colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.
      For example, you need to remember the term "neuron." In order to permanently commit the term to your memory, you look up what it means (it is a nerve cell), find out its purpose (transmit information from or to the central nervous system), look at a diagram and study its parts, and think about how it relates to things that you already know (like how different it its from other kinds of cells, assuming you are familiar with other cells). If you do this several times (rehearsal), then you will be more likely to remember the term.
      If you meet someone named Joe, and your uncle is named Joe you can easily remember the new persons name because you can relate him to your family member."

      This is related to the Association Dichotomy.
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