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Brain Mapping 2015 - Introduction to Social Cognitive Neuroscience
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Published: 03-01-2015 02:37 am
Aristotle long ago characterized man as a ‘social animal.’ Social psychologists have spent a century classifying the countless interpersonal and intrapersonal factors that guide our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors throughout daily life. It is only in the past 15 years since the dawn of the twenty-first century that social psychologists have turned to neuroscience as a new type of tool to investigate how our brains respond to the social world. Just like social psychology itself, this new field of social cognitive neuroscience extends broadly across many topics that do not always seem social at first blush but that are critical to successfully navigating our social lives.
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- Science posts on page 1.
- Articles on page 1 science are about: Social cognition, Oxytocin (Oxt, OT), Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), Moral concern, Mind wandering, Default mode network (DMN), Amygdala, Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR), Individual differences, Dopamine (DA), Bottom-up, Spirituality, Striatum, Reward, Motivation, Error-detection, Anterior cingulate (AC), Transcranial Stimulation (TCS), Frontopolar cortex (FPC) / Broadmanns Area 10 (BA10) / Rostrolateral prefrontal cortex (rlPFC) / anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC), Creative thinking, Semantic associations, Creativity.