Different Types Have Different Emotions
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Published: 03-28-2015 03:20 pm
Updated: 03-28-2015 03:22 pm
Four Core Emotional Needs
Different types have different emotions. Actually, on a bigger scale, they are all the same, variations of the same, and the whole area is complex, but there is a primary emotional need with every one of the four main networks. Abstract Organic's (NF's) in general experience more emotions related to fear, and they have complex social needs. Abstract Mechanic's experience more emotions related to anxiety, and they have emotional needs related to performance. Concrete Organic's (SF's) have basic social needs, and experience alot of emotions related to caring, and shame. And Concrete and Mechanic types (ST's) have emotions related to anger and pleasure, because their behavior and interests causes them to experience these emotions more often than other types.
Abstract and Organic types are primarily driven by fear and excitement
The neurological networks that combine the abstract functions in the brain, namely, functions involved with language usage, complex communication and conceptual thinking, with the organic functions need for thinking in terms of, and being driven by experiences, cause emotional consequences on the individual. Pursuing complex social activities and experiences, means a higher likelihood to pursue scary, potentially risk-filled experiences. Being motivated by abstract experiences cause you to act and behave outside social norms, something which may cause others to react with anger towards you.
This means that AO's (or NF's in the MBTI) put themselves in positions that get them to experience alot of emotions related to fear, but also excitement, if the others are open to change and to a new experience, and the experience turns out to go well. Abstract and organic execution types (NFJ's) will in general be more likely than any other type to put themselves in extremely dangerous situations, but AO's can also respond to this fear by avoiding dangerous activities entirely and by trying to fulfill these needs by writing, daydreaming, reading/watching movies that put them in the very same situation, even though they are safely at home.
Fear isn't a positive emotional recharge for AO's, but excitement over a potentially thrilling experience is, and in general, the more potentially dangerous an activity is, the more thrilling it feels if they can conquer their fears and achieve what they've been dreaming to experience. But even the most scared of the abstract and organic types tend to be thrilled by the thought of an impossible relationship, breaking social norms, and expressing thoughts and sentiments that may get them shunned and attacked by many in their surroundings.
And perhaps this is part of the reason AO's have a low success rating in most political situations, even showing tendencies towards intrinsically motivated adventures, reveals to your voter base that you're not trustworthy, and a potentially bad social representative. I hope this explanation will provide something new about AO's, something we didn't know before, and I hope it can explain why people like Edward Snowden are ready to, at risk of being murdered or imprisoned for life at Guantanamo, are ready to leave a life of comfort, just to leak knowledge to the environment. AO's are not just driven by the need to do the right thing, that's not enough to motivate such an action, you must also deal with the fear and potential risks of the actions you take. And many hackers, lawbreakers, and political activists are actually driven by the thrill of their behavior. But how people respond to this emotion and to these activities depend on if they are goal-oriented about fear, evaluative and open-minded about fear, or affective, reflexive or self-reflective about it.
Abstract and Mechanic are driven by anxiety and joy
The intrinsically motivated abstract network, with it's tendency towards novel tasks, tasks that require a nuanced understanding of language and conceptual thinking, is, when paired with mechanic encoding's drive towards tasks and performance based experiences, more driven by challenge, overcoming obstacles, learning and mastering new skills. And in general, pursuing situations where you can learn new things also trigger feelings of anxiety over your performance. You become mindful of how you are doing at various activities, compared to other people in your environment, and you feel, because of this anxiety, a need to improve your performance or to find ways past people and obstacles that obstruct your path to success. Succeeding at tasks, mastering an instrument, learning a new language, or being able to beat a monster in a video game, releases emotional rewards such as confidence, a sense of being capable, a sense of inner strength or beauty, and a feeling of self-worth. In many ways, performing well is associated with happiness, though this relationship can also be problematized. (Constantly measuring yourself with others, may get you to never feel fulfilled, like many of these types tend to realise when they get older.)
While some are goal-oriented about these emotions, some are processing on it, and some are affective, and some are self-reflective about it. This may in part explain why Abstract and Mechanic types tend to know more languages on average than other types, have a longer education, and enjoy continuing their studies even after they've gotten fulfilling jobs. It may explain why AM's perform well at inventing new technology, often working in technology development, and why they are so common in academics and education areas. If you want to make a game for AM's, you want to place an emphasis on challenging monsters, complex levels and equipment systems, things that for a concrete and organic type might actually be desentizising them to play.
Concrete and Organic types are driven by shame and caring
The Concrete networks in the brain, relying on non-verbal skills, and their tendency to be motivated by outer rather than inner rewards, excelling at rehearsed and practised behavior, when paired with the Organic networks tendency towards being more experience-oriented than task-oriented, create the Concrete and Organic types need for concrete social interactions. That includes experiencing caring, love, positive social feedback, and avoiding being exposed to negative social feedback, shame, and attacks on their character, and adapting your behavior to put yourself in a position where the group appreciates you.
You may be contemplative and self-reflective about shame, or affective and reflexive about shame, but also controlled, goal-oriented or evaluative and open-minded about new social norms. It explains why Concrete and Organic types are so common in politics, and areas such as modelling, where they are often rewarded through votes and through immidiate feedback on their appearance, their speech, and their social interactions with other people, as well as their ability to represent an organisation, a country, or a company in their desire to sell products or to accomplish political visions.
Concrete and Organic types are more driven by anger and relaxation
The Concrete networks in the brain, when paired with the Mechanic, task oriented network, creates a personality type that puts their major emphasis on concrete rewards, pursuing physical incentives, such as money, a promotion, or a renewed contract, physical rewards that make them feel secure, protected, and in possession of a good economy, and status and admiration from their friends and co-workers. The inability to secure a promotion, the failure at a basic task, or observing someone else attack their status, puts them in a situation where they experience anger.
They make be goal-oriented and directed about this anger, or evaluating and feedbacking on this anger, or self-reflective about it. Anger can be used as a tool to keep a group in check, to maintain respect and your status, and as a means of control, or it can be something you avoid, by pursuing a more buddhist sense of life, where you primarily see anger as something to avoid, and these two responses can cause two Concrete and Mechanic types to appear like they have a completely different personality, when it's actually just culture, upbringing and how they've learnt to relate to the emotion. This explanation might be helpful when understanding why CM's are so common working in law & order, as police officers, as well as in sports and in state departments.
Emotional Health and Type
So what are some thumb rules that seem to apply for healthy relations to your emotions?
Pursue positive emotional rewards, don't avoid them out of fear of shame, fear, anger or anxiety. Don't see negative emotions as a tool for growth, that's not a longterm positive strategy to health. While they provide you with important feedback, they don't make you a better person, what makes you a better person is seeing and enjoying the positive results of your gradual self-growth process.