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Open Mind - Papers
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Published: 05-21-2015 04:34 am
I'm setting the link to the about-page because their start-page eats your computers performance.
"This is an edited collection of 39 original papers and as many commentaries and replies. The target papers and replies were written by senior members of the MIND Group, while all commentaries were written by junior group members. All papers and commentaries have undergone a rigorous process of anonymous peer review, during which the junior members of the MIND Group acted as reviewers. The final versions of all the target articles, commentaries and replies have undergone additional editorial review."
So this is basically a collection of contemporary papers on the mind which converge in their inferences. That doesn't mean they are valid though but as a whole they form an opinion on truth about the mind.
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- Science posts on page 1.
- Articles on page 1 science are about: Social cognition, Oxytocin (Oxt, OT), Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), Moral concern, Mind wandering, Default mode network (DMN), Amygdala, Oxytocin Receptor (OXTR), Individual differences, Dopamine (DA), Bottom-up, Spirituality, Striatum, Reward, Motivation, Error-detection, Anterior cingulate (AC), Transcranial Stimulation (TCS), Frontopolar cortex (FPC) / Broadmanns Area 10 (BA10) / Rostrolateral prefrontal cortex (rlPFC) / anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC), Creative thinking, Semantic associations, Creativity.