Edward Goldsmith - Evolution, neo-Darwinism and the paradigm of science

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    • Published: 07-19-2015 05:41 pm
      Updated: 07-19-2015 05:54 pm
    • "Neo-Darwinism does not provide a satisfactory explanation for evolution and however resilient it may prove to criticism, it must eventually give way to a more realistic theory. This can only occur if we abandon the reductionistic and mechanistic ‘paradigm of science’, which neo-Darwinism so faithfully reflects."


      Love this definition of mechanistic thinking:

      "To rationalise that approach, scientists try to make us believe that the world is made up of a multitude of discrete, mechanistic units, the way they are organised being of no consequence for understanding how they function – hence the inference is that they can be understood in isolation from the system of which they are part and at the same time, that they can be shifted about, changed and transformed at the whim of their human manager."

      Again very good definition on mechanistic thinking:

      Indeed, it suits the purposes of our economists, technologists and politicians to pretend that living organisms are machines, since the benefits provided by the state and the formal economy cater above all for humanity’s mechanistic needs. Such benefits are quantifiable and must be so for both commercial and electoral reasons. They are atomistic which they must be if they are to be quantifiable and they cater for humanity’s most rudimentary needs, leaving unsatisfied those that are more specifically human, in particular social, ecological, aesthetic and spiritual needs."
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