Philosophy and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

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    • Published: 08-27-2015 04:20 am
    • "The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most well-known psychological typing system in the world today. Almost as many people know their MBTI type as know their astrology sign. It is amazing that a typing method that has no pictures or symbols, but consists entirely of 4 letters, could now be so popular and appealing, or so widely used. Among those who use this test today are school counselors, in order to help steer students into college courses that fit their interests, temperament and desires. Students take a test of about 90 to 120 questions, and then discover which occupations and lifestyles correspond to their type. Many people don't know, however, that these types are based on the work of the great Swiss psychologist Carl Jung and his famous system of psychological types. Many might not recognise how much his ideas have shaped the way we see ourselves and our lives today. Many people also don't know that Jung was familiar with many of the esoteric systems we have been discussing (see my other pages at my index). "

      If one ignores the initial propaganda, this is quite interesting. MBTI is classified as psuedoscience, has a 60% chance of giving you a radically different type at each test-iteration and Jungs metaphysical rationalisations have no scientific justification.
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