Age of Entanglement
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Published: 03-24-2016 06:05 am
Updated: 03-24-2016 06:08 am
"To every age, a relic: a loom, an automobile, the PC, a 3D printer. L’Encyclopédie[1] was its period’s signpost, cataloguing and concretizing the boundaries between the disciplines, which emerged from the “long eighteenth century” of the Enlightenment. For the next quarter of a millennium, we remained indoctrinated to the shibboleths of this relic, operating within discrete silos-of-thought. At the dawn of the new millennium, the meme “antidisciplinary” appeared, yanking us out of Aristotle’s shadow and into a new ‘Age of Entanglement.’ [2][3]"
I find this very interesting and like a meta-review of culture.