Personality as a dialectial process

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    • Published: 07-02-2016 03:30 am
    • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel seems to have influenced personality psychology a lot

      with his theories about the subject

      "The Subjective Spirit culminates in the sovereign, rational individual, taken as given in the Kantian philosophy as indeed in the entire tradition of Western philosophy from Descartes to the present day. But what distinguishes Hegel’s concept of the Subject as Subjective Spirit (which I will henceforth refer to as ‘self-consciousness’) are:

      • Firstly, that it can only be an abstraction from the “Absolute Spirit,” that is the unity of the person with the cultural-historical world in which she lives, outside of which the self-consciousness is a non-entity.
      • Secondly, that the sovereign, rational, ethical individual self-consciousness is the outcome of a long drawn-out historical process, not its starting point and presupposition.
      • Thirdly, that the genesis of self-consciousness is a reciprocal action between the individual and the world they build around themselves, including their relationships with other self-consciousnesses.

      Hegel poses the development of consciousness as the unity of intuition and concept, in which attention is turned to objects having an independent existence outside oneself. Self-consciousness arises on the basis of consciousness, when cognitive activity is turned upon itself. But the content of self-consciousness can be nothing other than consciousness of objective activity, but not activity understood, as before, as having an independent existence, but as my activity.Hegel outlines two processes which go to the construction of Self-Consciousness, each of which are well-known as they have been taken up by other authors"
      Also Friedrich Nietzsche popularized the idea of humans being driven by a main will.

      "The will to power describes what Nietzsche may have believed to be the main driving force in humans – achievement, ambition, and the striving to reach the highest possible position in life."

      Then Adler and Freud and Jung came along.

      "Alfred Adler incorporated the will to power into his individual psychology. This can be contrasted to the other Viennese schools of psychotherapy: Sigmund Freud's pleasure principle (will to pleasure) and Viktor Frankl's logotherapy (will to meaning). Each of these schools advocates and teaches a very different essential driving force in human beings."

      Also Jung incorporated individual differences "in main driving forces" as archetypes of different types of personalities in his Psychological Types.

      It seems to often be an element of Gnosticism

      Then again Jung was a gnostic Christian.
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