
See all blog posts below.

    • Deterministic Execution (DE) and the prefrontal cortex
    • 03-25-2014
    • If we understand that:
      * limbic system (especially emotions) are anti-correlated with analytical thinking
      * variation of voice-tone, speed and intonation of speech and also face and hand gesturing activates people limbic system.
      * the use of poly-semantic / multiple-meanings / qualitative words and sentences activate peoples limbic system

      Then it's easy to understand why talking with little variation in voice-tone, speed and intonation of speech and also ..
    • 03-24-2014
    • 03-20-2014
    • Organic Execution (OE) and the limbic system
    • 03-19-2014
    • Organic Execution (OE) has a way of speaking to our limbic system (emotions, cravings) and Deterministic Execution (DE) has a way of speaking to our prefrontal cortex and logic. Since our limbic system is anti-correlated with the use of logic, this generally means that if a person can trigger emotions in people it's also more likely the people will make irrational decisions.

    • 03-15-2014
    • Objective perspective on Jungian typology and MBTI
    • 03-13-2014
    • If you read the chapters on categorization of type from Jung's Psychological Types here you see that the types are defined qualitatively, that is what quality a distinct type give you as an observer.

      Here is a quote from the definition of the "The Extraverted Feeling-Type":
      "In so far as feeling is, incontestably, a more obvious peculiarity of feminine psychology than thinking, the most pronounced feeling-types are also to be found among women. When extr..
    • 03-13-2014
    • 03-10-2014
    • Daily brain exercise for balance
    • 03-10-2014
    • It's been scientifically studied that if you practice both types of cognitive tasks you will stay more healthy. So here is a daily exercise you can do to improve your health.

      1. Understand someone elses perspective in relation to something bigger.
      * If you have Deterministic Execution (*DE) you will find it easier to understand someone elses syste..