All types will go into their Execution contextualization, the more goal-directed action is required. The more a situation requires understanding and exploring of new information the more a type will go into their Processing contextualization.
All types who have a DE contextualization (*OP and *DE types) will have a analytic engage, meaning goal-directed action will trigger them to go into a analytic state of mind (where they can understand the dynamics in relation to rules, frameworks, laws and logic). But in reality, types with an analytic engage will have their analytic network connected to their goal-directed network. This means that analytic matters / subjects will also trigger them to enter a goal-directed state of mind. In the same way social matters / subjects will trigger them to enter a understanding and exploring state of mind. Types with analytic engage have a social disengage.
All types who have a OE contextualization (*DP and *OE types) will have a social engage, meaning goal-directed action will trigger them go into a social state of mind (where they can understand the dynamics in culture, behavior and emotions). But in reality, types with an social engage will have their social network connected to their goal-directed network. This means that social matters / subjects will also trigger them to enter a goal-directed state of mind. In the same way analytic matters / subjects will also trigger them to enter a understanding and exploring state of mind. Types with social engage have a analytic disengage.