Correlation between HSP and personality traits (article in swedish)
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Published: 11-11-2014 10:44 am
Link to article
I was asked to write an article about personality types for, a swedish HSP-site. To summarize in english, this is what I wrote:
"There's a correlation between organic and abstract thinking, and HSP.
Then a summary of what organic encoding is: emotional, social thinking, and some studies of it's implications, for example a higher likelihood to believe in conspiracy theories.
And abstract association: creative thinking, flexibility with information, and a higher likelihood to alter and change around how you consciously perceive sensory information, linking to some neuroscientific articles on the area.
And then the assumption: HSP is a result of abstract and organic encoding, intertwined."
Christian likes this post.
Published: 11-12-2014 10:31 am
Thanks for sharing, very interesting. I also believe there is a correlation of HSP with AO*.