The Sixteen State Model
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Published: 03-16-2015 07:21 am
Updated: 03-16-2015 09:58 am
The sixteen states, in order from top left to bottom right on the image:
NiFe NiTi FeSe SeTi
NiTe NiFi TeSe SeFi
SiTe SiFi NeTe NeFi
SiFe SiTi NeFe NeTi
The Sixteen State Model
Neojungian Typology has a new way of looking at the cognitive functions. We group jungian functions up two and two, rather than one and one, and we call the groupings States. We see personality as something flexible, changing depending on which state you are currently in, but we predict that you move within a pattern of four key states, with two states more conscious and aware than the others. The AOE "Magician" state is a result of using Introverted iNtuition and Extroverted Feeling simoultaneously, and The Individualist is a result of using Concrete and Organic coGnition together. We believe this is a much more interesting way to look at cognitive theory than the older models suggestions, and the changes cause us to have sixteen states, rather than the common eight function models eight functions. Besides this, a state plays a much bigger role in our everyday behavior than individual function use, and you can track your states in most of your everyday behavior. For example, you can see how you are when you are goal-oriented, for example how goal-oriented you are about complex issues (introverted intuition), compared to how goal oriented you are about simple, rehearsed issues. (introverted sensing)
In future tests, the hope is that, besides being able to present you with a type, we will be able to tell you which of the four states are most well developed in you. If you want to know your type, feel free to post a video of yourself in this thread or to erik[at] and we will get back to you, or take our self-reporting test here. :)
The Magician State
Abstract and Organic Execution (AOE)
AOE’s will generally engage in complex social thinking when their head is the most cluttered, and when they are under the most internal pressure. The pressure can cause them to go into a state of daydreaming, into a fantasy, which may help them solve their problems in unique ways. This might cause them to believe that their creativity is something which can be pressured on delivery, but that’s not exactly true, while focus is beneficial for AOE’s, external demands and deadlines can be equally demotivating for AOE’s as other AO’s.
AOE’s will be overall self-controlled about how they express complex social information and existential beliefs, thinking about how they can apply an existential idea to push themselves forward to success with their goals. AOE’s work hard to push themselves toward a complex and hard to reach ideal, and they tend to develop an inspiring ability to make their own way in life. Because of their goal-oriented state, their existential fantasies tend to become well-rehearsed, long-ingrained ideas, that they can work on for many years without wavering, as a result of their ability to condition and to nurture themselves into acting and believing in an idea.
However, if their path doesn’t lead to success or positive strides forward, they may experience alot of pressure on a concrete, mechanic processing level, and some may avoid dealing with this stress by just increasing their work labour, instead of taking the time to relax and to listen to these worries, to remain mindful of where you’re headed in life and maybe asking yourself what you really want. Truth is, AOE’s can hold on to their ideals longer than their ideals serve them, forgetting to adapt to the changing world around them, and living according to ideals that aren’t actually making anyone happy. Here is where AOP’s can come in handy, AOP’s tend to have heads full of questions, heads full of new ideas, and they can help AOE’s adapt to new roadblocks.
The Sage State
Abstract and Mechanic Cognition (AMG)
AMG’s are the most engaged by complex, logical thoughts when they are alone and away from distracting sounds and activities. AMG’s tend to be highly self-reflective, and somewhat doubtful, about their own ability to perform well at complex tasks, thinking things through once, twice, maybe thrice before they decide to act and to reveal what they know on a topic. AMG’s tend to be sensitive to criticism about their performance. They prefer to gather as much information as possible on a topic before they feel comfortable to take action in their area of expertise, which means less improvisation than would be expected from, for an example, Abstract Mechanic Affective type.
High activity in AMG causes them to often become wise, attracting questions from people on how the world works, and on how people can improve their performance in different fields. AMG’s have an amazing perception when it comes to analyzing what might have gone wrong, and how to work through it, and their answers on these issues tend to be complex and undetailed, giving the listener some freedom of interpretation. AMG is for example highly active during automatic COF walks, walks where they are barely conscious of their outer environment, only silently reflecting on various problems.
The Performer State
Concrete and Organic Affection (COF)
A COF will be the most aware of social feedback when they are in a highly active environment, with lots of distractions and people around to monitor their behavior and expressions. In this state, COF’s instinctively adapt to social feedback, immidiately conditioning themselves to reflect the groups values and opinions. COF’s are highly responsive and fast, expressing their identity and their values without thinking in advance, balancing an unconscious, and internal need to perform well with an external need for quick social approval and appreciation. COF's become very aware of their actions, constantly scanning the environment to see how others feel about them. In general, they tend to be good at self-deprecatory humor and will generally show alot of social flexibility compared to for example the Concrete Organic Cognitive (COG) type. Although they struggle at behavior inhibition, they can still hide their identity well by acting according to a simple social persona, for example a stupid, flanderized parody, or some other social stereotype.
Hearing others opinions, can cause a COF to change their mind quickly on various practical social issues, depending on what the group thinks and how the actions seem to affect the group, but also causing some potential to flip-flopping on simple social issues. COF’s are usually able to mirror others identity and social expressions more easily than other types, easily reflecting others speech patterns and identity expression and making it their own, a feat which will make them more easily able to blend in and adapt to new social groups quickly.
The Aristocrat State
Concrete and Mechanic Processing (CMP)
When relaxed and carefree, able to consider any option, without pressure or deadlines to reach, CMP’s become highly concerned with their status, as well as the status of others, adaptive and flexible to any changes that appear when new people join the group. CMP’s ask questions and give good feedback on the work that they and others around them do, browsing the room to find out about people's concrete needs, for example their physical status and their actions. CMP's constantly scan the room and the people in it and how others are performing at various tasks, quick to feedback others on things they do well or poorly, and they will often feel inclined to take matters into their own hands if they see someone struggling at a task, preferring to show people how to do things through showing them directly, rather than instructing others on how to do things on their own.
Concrete Mechanic Processing alerts the group on all of their needs, hunger, and their overall status and energy, but often in an indirect way, avoiding giving concrete orders and avoiding telling others what to do. Whenever it's about the CMP's body and physical needs, they tend to lose some of their directiveness and ability to plan ahead. Instead, they have a heightened insight on their overall needs and cravings. CMP's will be inclined to ignore rules and external control, taking what they want when it is available, and they tend to inspire others to do the same, suggesting that if you want something, you should get it, rather than limit yourself. A reason behind this go-getter attitude is that they have a low working memory when dealing with practical tasks, and that many of them compensate for this by completing a task as soon as possible: when working step-by step, they will for example skip reading the overview, taking one thing at a time, rather than keeping the entire guide in their head, and being more flexible as a result.
The Healer State
Abstract and Organic Processing (AOP)
AOP’s will most easily engage in complex social thinking when they are the most relaxed, and when they have few to none tasks and duties demanding their attention. AOP’s are generally unbiased when they understand existential beliefs, avoiding thinking too long about one specific existential idea, and not being afraid to question themselves daily to consider new possibilities. On the contrary: AOP’s can find themselves so full of questions, even wondering if their breakfast is real when they wake up. This allows them to stay open, possibly so open, that they sometimes look at the world like they were looking at it for the first time ever.
AOP’s constantly teach us the value of being open to different ways of behaving socially, often crossing the lines of what is considered appropriate, but this can also turn difficult if they become too adaptive to others expectations, compromising themselves and their own needs for the needs of others. This adaptiveness could potentially make them into great coaches, as well as their ability to ask questions, and to evaluate others ideas and beliefs while they listen to it.
When activity in AOP is high, Concrete and Mechanic Execution becomes increasingly implicit, and their head can clutter up with implicit life lessons, often about their status, their worth to the group, and these internalized ideas risk becoming both a blind spot and a possible gold-mine for AOP’s. At best, CME can help keep them and the people in their group safe from problems, keeping them sailing steady despite complications and a high work burden, at worst, the stress can cause anger, negative existential ideas and values that don’t come from a good, healthy place in themselves.
The Paladin State
Abstract and Mechanic Affection (AMF)
AMF’s are the most engaged by complex, logical thoughts when they are in stimulating, highly distracting environments, with lots of sounds and activities around them. AMF’s tend to be confident, instinctive, in applying and testing their ability to perform at various tasks, expressing complex logical thoughts without fear of being mistaken or incorrect. Though they struggle to hold back their behavior, AMF's can still hide their performance if they wish to, by going into a persona that appears weak or incapable, or acting stronger than they actually are, allowing them to hide behind an armor in various situations.
When discussing rules and laws and how they should be interpretted, AMF’s appear to be animated and emotional in their facial expressions, in a way that engages and draws people’s attention to them, and they are the type that thrives the most on discussing standards, science and power in groups and social medias, often showing their problem-solving ability and their wit in spontaneous situations. Their leadership generally comes off in their ability to keep the group inspired about learning and aspiring to new things.
The unconscious COG plays a big role in alot of the behavior of AMF’s, both positively and negatively. Negatively, self-doubt and worries, and bad experiences about who they are and what has happened historically, can become self-fulfilling prophecies, where they unconsciously, on autopilot, can end up acting on and living up to a harmful idea about who they are, ending up sabotaging work or life opportunities.
The Individualist State
Concrete and Organic Cognition (COG)
A COG will generally be the most aware of social feedback when they are in a quiet environment with few distractions, taking this time to reflect on what others have said to them, and memories and events where others did various social actions. In this state, COG’s are highly self-reflective about others values and behavior, thinking back and forth before they decide what someone meant and how they should respond to others, discovering their identity through contemplation and self-reflection, spending quite a bit of time reading or gathering information on how to succeed at their social role. These thoughts eventually lead COG’s to develop a good idea about their history, and the events that have led them to become who they are, an identity which can both guide them, and trap them. This leads them to develop a practical social wisdom, a wisdom on issues like how to behave socially, how to be a good mother.
They are somewhat unflexible when it comes to social identity, finding it difficult to change their opinion of someone once it's been made, and when they've found a social role they like, it's difficult for them when others pressure them to change in some way. Because of this, many prefer to hold on to their sense of self, telling others to accept them as they are, or to leave if they don't like it.
COG’s also tend to be the most socially responsible of all the types, priding themselves on their ability to live up to social duties and necessities, COG’s have the a strong sense of self, causing people to have an easy time building trust towards the COG, but COG’s are sensitive to criticism and will generally not want others judging their identity and who they are, often worrying that others will misunderstand them. With time, many find that COG’s have alot of advice to offer on life and social etiquette, and many COG’s are found giving suggestions on questions of identity, as well as discussing and guiding people on concrete social issues, moral behavior and personal issues.
The Citizen - Concrete and Mechanic Execution (CME)
When under alot of pressure, or when they are juggling alot of tasks and judgements, CME’s become highly concerned with their status, as well as the status of others in the group. CME’s become goal oriented and self-directed, trying to live up to their duties given by their title and their status in the group, but also about others, and how well others adapt to the laws and duties they have on them, monitoring themselves and their friends to make sure that people are performing appropriately.
CME’s utilize their abilities by writing task lists, keeping track of and setting up a plan to work through their daily routines, as well as juggling to see how to fit people and activities into their schedule, but they also use their ability to organize and sort through an environment and objects around them, often wanting everything to be in order to feel at peace, and unconsciously, clutter can cause their implicit AOP to make them scattered on an existential level. Unfinished tasks tend to put alot of stress on CME’s, and closure and sound habits are of high importance to keep their unconscious AOP healthy.
The Ranger State
Abstract and Mechanic Execution (AME)
AME’s are generally the most engaged by complex, logical thoughts when they are under pressure from their group to conform, and also when they are juggling many options in their head simoultaneously. In this state, AME’s tend to be highly self-motivated and self-controlled about how they will perform in the hopes of increasing their score, or learning something new about a task. They will have a large, complex system of standards and rules they hold themselves as well as others to, directing the group on how change and develop a system.
Their high working memory allows them to stay in touch with in particular, complex goals and challenging tasks, but makes them somewhat inflexible with taking on new complex tasks, often needing some time to register the information and to use it to their advantage. AME's excel in situations where they can direct others on various tasks, informing and instructing others on how to complete a tricky task, but avoiding stepping in and trying to do something for others unless forced to. They are in the zone when instructing or telling others about a new complex trick that they use and how various things work, but they can become frustrated if they notice that the other person doesn't understand or are unable to manage the tasks despite their instructions.
The Monk State
Abstract and Organic Cognition (AOG)
AOG’s will generally engage the most in complex social thinking when they are alone and when they are undisturbed by distracting sounds and noises around them. AOG’s tend to be highly self-reflective and sensitive about these thoughts, doubting and thinking twice before making a decision on the information they have. This makes them the least existentially flexible of all the types, meaning they need alot of time to reflect on a complex social issue before they will raise their own opinion on the topic, and that they will hold on to their views regardless of what others think, even avoiding compromising on small details. Their inflexibility also makes them the most well-read up on these complex issues, with time making them very wise and knowledgeable about complex social issues.
This offers benefits compared to other AO states, such as the AOG’s ability to hold on to an idea longer than any other type, and the ability for AOG’s to resist criticism and attacks on their beliefs, seeking out these thoughts independent of how others feel about it. Complex social actions will be extremely detailed and well thought out, and they will be mindful of what the purpose of their actions are. When questioned about what they are doing, they might often reveal a highly elaborate, complex social concept that guides their behavior, often surprising others with their depth.
Long-term use of the AOG state tends to make us fall into a peaceful, calm, and accepting personality, much different from how they are when they have a pronounced use of Concrete Mechanic Affection. For example, they will make anyone feel safe expressing any form of opinion, no matter how ruthless it might be, letting everyone say what they feel, without threathening or attacking people on their views.
The Helper State
Concrete and Organic Processing (COP)
A COP will generally be the most aware of social feedback, when they are relaxed, and when they’re having fun. In this state, they display a quick ability to process new information, but a difficulty to hold more than one social task in their head at a time, causing them to be the most socially distractable of all the types, quickly adapting their opinion and reevaluating a social situation based on how others are currently acting, letting others know what is okay, and what isn't. Because they lack directiveness, they will prefer to instruct others through social actions, showing others how to behave appropriately, rather than giving orders and telling others directly.
COP's will have alot of opinions about others, about various cultures, and various people in their group, more opinions than any of the other Concrete Organic States will, but they aren't interested in socially instructing others or telling others how to behave: they believe everyone should be free to do as they like, but that if you want to behave badly, you should be expected to face some sanctions for your behavior, such as negative rumours or social sanctions, meaning they are more likely to express social feedback through social actions than through words.
The Soldier State
Concrete and Mechanic Affection (CMF)
When in a highly active environment, with lots of activities and events occuring around them, CMF’s become confident, able to behave fast and instinctively. CMF’s take no time to reflect on if their action is correct, making quick, decisive calls in the situation, depending on what is necessary. As Concrete and Mechanic Soldiers, they seek to be on the center of the stage, wearing stylish clothes befitting their position, expressing their power and authority. CMF's scan their environment repeatedly to study others reactions, finding out who are threats, and who are safe to be around, mirroring their allies clothing style, and how others complete various tasks, to show they are equally as capable as others are. While CMF's can't hold back their dominant gestures and their behavior, they can armor themselves by fitting in and dressing like the group they are in, and by mimicking the actions of others in the group.
The Rogue State
Abstract and Mechanic Processing (AMP)
AMP’s are the most engaged by complex, logical thoughts when they are relaxed and carefree, able to consider any option or to work from any angle when dealing with and trying to undersstand complex, yet logical environments with predictable patterns. AMP’s tend to be open-minded and adaptable to any standards or test criterias that they are put through. They are mindful about how others work, and how to adapt to people’s strengths and weaknesses, and they will gladly offer evaluations, criticism, and questions to help the group figure out and solve problems that emerge. They dislike leadership on these issues, and will generally lead by actions rather than carefully directing others or giving others orders. Instead, they hope that others can pick up on their behavior and their expressions, and that others will adapt appropriately without needing further information.
The Enchanter State
Abstract and Organic Affection (AOF)
AOF’s will generally engage the most in complex social activities when they are in stimulating environments, filled with distractions, sounds and possibilities. AOF’s tend to be highly confident and instinctive when expressing existential thoughts, appearing highly emotional and animated when communicating their inner values and beliefs to the group. AOF’s benefit the most of the AO’s from verbal discussions about difficult life decisions and philosophy, and they will often take positions where they can champion the values of the group, spreading and selling their ideas to others as well as motivating the group to work together towards an existential goal, but AOFs can also be more intense when expressing these ideas to group, which gives them the potential of social leadership and stage-presence in their group. AOF's enjoy playing devils advocate as well as expressing sometimes inappropriate complex opinions to see how others will react, and though they struggle to hold back their behavior, they can hide behind a complex social persona to deal with these situations instead.
The Politician State
Concrete and Organic Execution (COE)
A COE will generally express the most social feedback, when they are under alot of pressure from the group, or when they have alot of thoughts on their mind. COE’s tend to be self-motivated and self-controlled when expressing what they have conditioned themselves to feel is appropriate social behavior, and their goals are of a social nature: about how they want to be seen by others, and what they can do to receive the appropriate feedback from others, and so, they appreciate the presence of COP’s that may give them quick, spontaneous feedback and evaluation, helping them maintain an appropriate social etiquette.
COE's tend to be socially inflexible, needing some time to process new social information and new groups, before they can understand them according to the COE's inner stereotypes and values. Because of their directiveness, COE’s will develop a large system of values, opinions and social etiquette, that they will actively try to live by, as well as guide others towards living by, and as directive types, they enjoy being in a position of social leadership, where they can instruct others on how to behave appropriately, making them fitting priests or politicians.
The Crafter State
Concrete and Mechanic Cognition (CMG)
When in an environment free from distractions, for example a calm study room, CMG’s become highly disciplined and diligent with their assigned chores and tasks. CMG’s are self-reflective and somewhat doubtful about their discipline and their ability to complete their chores without making mistakes, so they take alot of time to make sure they will perform perfectly. CMG’s become seen as experts, and many come to them asking for help and instructions on how to do a task. CMG’s tend to give meticulous, detailed guides to others, a trait that is definitely useful in teaching and instructing people who are new to a field, and they can be somewhat inflexible with instructions, tending to work by the book, and getting frustrated when others try to change the rules in some way.
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