Ripplestudies on the new NJT-theories

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    • Published: 01-22-2015 08:07 am
      Updated: 01-22-2015 08:18 am
    • Overview: Execution vs Processing, Affectivity vs Cognition and Energy vs Stimulus

      If we take the execution traits and processing traits and we compare them, you could say execution is used to develop, create or change information, and in particular, stimulus, where processing is used to utilize and process stimulus to receive rewards from doing so. Obviously since there's four different types of execution: AME-COP, AOE-CMP, COE-AMP, and CME-AOP, they'll have different ways of developing (E) and consuming (P) stimulus. It should also be mentoined that Affective processes deplete energy resources but generate stimulus, and Cognition depletes stimulus but generates energy resources. I.e the cognitive type, when given access to stimulus, food, rewards, etc, will process and break these down and it will make the type energized and prepared for future activity, where the affective functions will deplete these energy resources and express stimulus outwards. This should be deviated in future self-assessment tests and descriptions to help clarify our stance on these two processes.

      Different forms of developing stimulus in an execution state

      AOE-CMP (NFJ-STP in the MBTI) indicates influencing the environment by developing Abstract and Organic stimulus, and utilizing concrete and mechanic stimulus. It indicates consuming energy to express organic and concrete stimulus, and consuming stimulus to generate energy resources and cognitive responses that are Abstract and Mechanic. So these four types will in an executive state develop Abstract and Organic stimulus, creating what Pierre Bourdieu refers to as symbolical capital, and this stimulus is, when expressed outwards available for anyone to consume or use for personal benefits. I call it symbolical because AOE tends to develop a ritual expression, a hand gesture, a manner of saying something or conducting an action, and the only way to consume symbolical capital is to complete this ritual (giving a high five to the AOE). As an OE process it's dependant on evaluation and interpretation of the group and society, and as an AE process, it's dependant on developing and finding new ways of evaluating and interpreting views and actions, so eventually something that is used too frequently stops being a symbol and becomes something cultural that everyone does without recognizing it as a symbol.

      It should be mentioned that an AME-COP can consume symbolical capital, but stores it as judicial capital/stimulus, and rather makes the high five a question of showing status to the AOE-CMP or others in the group. (Those who didn't get high fives.)

      AME-COP (NTJ-SFP in the MBTI) uses Abstract and Mechanic Execution to develop stimulus, and this stimulus is called judicial capital. I call it this because AME is driven to develop laws and judgements, protocols that need to be uplived. Judicial capital shows status and power, who has authority, who doesn't. Concrete and Organic Processing on the other hand is used to utilize and process stimulus. Abstract and Organic cognition consumes and stores stimulus as energy to be used to deal with future situations, and Concrete and Mechanic affectivity is used to consume energy to express stimulus.

      CME-AOP (NFP-STJ in the MBTI) uses Concrete and Mechanic Execution to develop stimulus, and this stimulus is referred to by Bourdieu as Cultural capital. Cultural capital refers to something which isn't dependant on others opinions, it's about knowledge, what we've learnt, how we've learnt to see ourselves, our core self identity, CME develops this identity and rehearses itself to develop identity and knowledge. It gets into a role - our role as a family member.

      COE-AMP (NTP-SFJ in the MBTI) uses Concrete and Organic Execution to develop stimulus, and this stimulus is referred to by Bourdieu as Social capital. Social capital refers to something which is more dependant on the group, in particular giving and expressing feedback, evaluating and expressing our views and opinions about others and about social rituals. COE develops and rehearses standards of holding themselves and the group to, and they talk about these standards with others to make sure that people stay on the same page.
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    • Published: 01-22-2015 08:07 am
    • Placeholder post.
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