Key Differences Between Neojungian and Jungian Typologies

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    • Published: 03-06-2015 06:04 pm
      Updated: 03-06-2015 06:09 pm
    • What's the difference between Introverted Intuition and Abstract Cognition? Christian recently covered some of the main theories on cognitive functions and the MBTI. You should really check it out if you're interested in the MBTI.

      This document builds on that, to show how Neojungian theories compare and contrast with the MBTI, Linda Berens, John Beebe and Dario Nardis cognitive function descriptions.

      Cognitive functions and their neojungian counterparts
      Extroverted Sensing = Se
      Concrete Affective or Processing
      Introverted Sensing = Si
      Concrete Cognitive or Execution
      Extroverted Intuition = Ne
      Abstract Affective or Processing
      Introverted Intuition = Ni
      Abstract Cognitive or Execution
      Extroverted Feeling = Fe
      Organic Affective or Execution
      Introverted Feeling = Fi
      Organic Cognitive or Processing
      Extroverted Thinking = Te
      Mechanic Affective or Execution
      Introverted Thinking = Ti
      Mechanic Cognitive or Processing

      Neojungian Typology has added four new concepts besides the MBTI ones. First, the Execution and Processing dichotomy, and second, the cognitive and affective dichotomies. NJT has also rebranded Intuition to be Abstract, Feeling to be Organic, Thinking to be Mechanic, and Sensing to be Concrete. We've done this so that you can easily contrast the functions with each others without mixing them up. The introverted and extroverted dichotomy has been deleted and replaced with the coGnitive and aFfective dichotomies.

      Key differences between Neojungian Typology and the MBTI Cognitive Functions

      Neojungian Typology has four times two times two, namely sixteen cognitive attitudes, the MBTI has eight attitudes. We added a new dichotomy: Execution and Processing. Neojungian Typology has also renamed all the functions to show that they are contrastable with the MBTI, but not identical to the MBTI and it's various interpretations. Neojungian typology is built on neuroscience more so than theoretical/empirical psychology and social observations, but we correlate neuroscientific findings with observable human behavior and jungian theory, causing the systems to look somewhat differently.

      Contrasts between the different functions

      1. Extroverted Sensing

      The MBTI places a huge emphasis on Se being partially a go-getter function, concerned with physical actions, as well as a present-minded/mindful function, trial and error, and noticing results of actions as they happen.

      NJT places it's key emphasis on the Concrete Processing function being about evaluating, feedbacking and open-mindedly scanning for new information, and the Concrete Affective function is more about stage-presence and instinctual, unreflected behavior. In particular, the concreteness of Processing or Affectiveness causes it to deal with literal, simple information, and simple tasks, for example tasks with clear rehearsed instructions. We still need more research on concrete association to understand the functions fully, but we speculate that concrete association focuses on specific, rehearsed information, and that concrete association is less inclined to alter or change known information.

      2. Introverted Sensing
      The MBTI describes Si through contemplating on your history, remebering information, wanting information to be detailed, being traditional, as well as remebering how you felt at a particular moment.

      NJT currently describes Concrete Execution as a result of being goal-oriented and controlled when dealing with simple information and simple tasks. Concrete Cognition is a result of recalling memories and being contemplative and self-reflective, with high amounts of behavior inhibition, in particular when thinking about simple information or simple tasks. In the Neojungian system, sensing has less to do with memory. In contrast with the MBTI, we believe that other functions can be equally interested in history, for example complex or unclear events that have happened to you in the past could be more Abstract and Cognitive. We've also found that organic encoding has it's own form of memory: episodic, autobiographic memories, where mechanic encoding has another form of memory: procedural, instruction memory.

      3. Extroverted iNtuition

      The MBTI often describes Extroverted iNtuition as being possibility-oriented, finding meanings and connections between information, being drawn to change, acting on unconscious information.

      NJT currently describes Abstract Affection as having stage presence, swiftness, reflexiveness and being overall instinctual in your behavior when dealing with complex tasks and activities. Abstract Processing is defined as being open-minded and evaluative, feedbacking on complex information or complex tasks. In NJT, abstract functions are described as being able to alter information, as well as being able to generalize on unclear or vague information. Most of our definitions of Abstract Association come from studies on the frontopolar network in neuroscience. We've also read up on the so called Association memories, which could be used to remember how to connect different events to decode patterns, such as white is to gray, what blue is to.... indigo.

      4. Introverted iNtuition

      The MBTI generally describes introverted iNtuition as being able to foresee implications and likely effects of different actions, transforming information, having visions, and taking forward new concepts to understand information.

      Neojungian Typology describes Abstract Cognition as being contemplative, self-reflective and able to recall complex information and complex tasks. Abstract Execution is described as being goal-oriented, controlled, and directed about complex information, for example how unclear information should be understood, as well as how we should behave and manage complex information, setting up complex goals and engaging in complex and planned behavior.

      5. Extroverted Feeling

      The MBTI generally describes having Extroverted Feeling as being interested in connecting, organizing groups, meeting the groups needs and values, looking to social etiqueete and what is appropriate, and accomodating others, while being interested in questions of value and harmony.

      Neojungian Typology describes Organic Execution as being goal-oriented and controlled about social tasks and social information, where social facts are facts that are relatively true, facts that have different meaning and different value to different people. Organic Affection is described as having stage-presence and low behavior inhibition, i.e much instinctual behavior, when dealing with people and with social information. Organic information also deals with conditioned responses, where conscious organic experiences cause unconscious mechanical procedures to be expressed, such as smiling when thinking of a happy memory.

      6. Introverted Feeling

      The MBTI generally defines Fi as being about valuing and considering things by their importance, finding incongrous statements, clarifying when information is misunderstood.

      Neojungian Typology defines Organic Cognition as being self-reflective about social facts and social tasks, doubting and trying to find out what something means relative to who they are and who said it. Organic Processing is defined as evaluating and giving feedback on social information, as well as having an open mind to new social information. Most of our definitions of Organic Encoding come from studies on the default-mode network in neuroscience, which is active whenever we are not following instructions or acting out a procedure consciously, and our mind can instead consciously engage in mentalization to reflect on actions and experiences.

      7. Extroverted Thinking

      Extroverted Thinking is defined in the MBTI as being about segmenting and organizing data, applying logic, monitoring standards and meeting specifications, setting boundaries and deciding what works and doesn't work, and thinking about consequences. Being interested in laws and rules.

      Neojungian Typology defines Mechanic Affection as having stage-presence, being reflexive and instinctual when dealing with objective information, such as laws and rules which are the same for everyone. Mechanic Execution is defined as being goal-oriented and controlled, holding on to a set of ideas regarding how to execute various procedures. Mechanic functions in the Neojungian system deal with conscious physical actions, in a way similar to how Extroverted Sensing is described, and most of our information on Mechanic Encoding comes from the Task-positive network.

      8. Introverted Thinking

      Introverted Thinking is described in the MBTI as seeking internal logic, analyzing information, evaluating according to a few key principles, figuring out how something works and studying different options to find which option is the best.

      Neojungian Typology describes Mechanic Cognition as being self-reflective and contemplative, but somewhat inhibited from behavior and action, when dealing with objective information, studying and reflecting back on various procedures before making a decision on what to do in the moment.

      Mechanic Processing is defined as being evaluative, giving feedback on new objective information and new procedures, based on how well they served to achieve objective information. In general, it will test information based on how well it fulfills a procedural objective, for example how well someone was able to carry out a set of instructions, which can certainly sound like a logical approach compared to organic functions that apply this logic unconsciously instead.

      Cognitive theory is extremely fascinating. And it gets even more fascinating when you look at the bigger picture, and when you look at the functions interrelated rather than compartmentalized into their smallest parts. In most of our general interactions, all functions that aren't anti-correlated work together, and those that are anti-correlated still work together, with one being explicit, and conscious in your mind, and one being unconscious, on autopilot. If you want to learn more about that - make sure you follow our page for new articles. :)
    • Published: 03-07-2015 01:36 am
    • This is great! I'm updating an old blog post called Neojungian Cognitive Attributes with references to science for each dichotomy (will add more references in the future).

      One thing I have found recently by mapping Execution to proactive cognitive control is that it's state is also proactive in avoiding critical interruptions which would make a goal or target forgotten from conscious awareness.
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