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Thinking about Encoding, Behavior and Motivation
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Published: 03-28-2015 03:48 am
I'm thinking about encoding vs behavior (read more here): Affective Mechanic, Cognitive Mechanic, Affective Organic and Cognitive Organic.
So the self-reporting test results did not for most people give a good indication of getting more energy out of mechanical / logical analysis compared to social analysis. I'm thinking that maybe this dichotomy should be approached more from a motivational perspective than energy-perspective.
I think Cognitive Mechanic types tend to get intrinsically motivated towards doing behavior which is good in relation to rules, system, procedures, routines etc. If I would use the same logic for Cognitive Organic it would be being intrinsically motivated towards doing behavior which is good in relation to ideals, values, narratives, contexts.
What do you think Erik? I think I'm very much intrinsically motivated to do good systems even though I wouldn't receive any extrinisic rewards for it.
Published: 03-28-2015 03:11 pm
I should explain my intrinsically motivated vs extrinsically motivated dichotomy better first.
Goal-oriented types are not intrinsically motivated, they are self-motivated. And the difference is that self-motivation is an inclination to put your own needs before the groups, while intrinsical motivation is an inclination towards putting abstract needs before concrete needs. Abstract rewards are intrinsic in the sense that they are verbalized, complex rewards, while Concrete rewards are extrinsic in the sense that they are non-verbal, simple rewards. For example, the AO's may have verbalized a moral system that explains what good behavior is to them, and they will act by this moral rulebook even if people are responding bad to these morals nonverbally. But AOP's will be more sensitive to feedback and pressure from their peers to change their morals and their intrinsic values to be harmonious with the views of others, where AOE's will be more likely to hold on to their values despite facing pressure from the group, because they are able to self-motivate and sustain this behavior for a longer time than the AOP can. So self-motivation is the ability to reward yourself while pursuing goals, and intrinsic motivation is the ability to pursue complex rewards that require a higher amount of mental processing than concrete rewards would require.
So I would avoid using the term intrinsic motivation when talking about cognitive organic / mechanic, but we should definitely find a way to explain that cognitive organic / mechanic types are more demotivated by negative experiences in their history, more willing to consider their past experiences when making choices in the present, more easily able to self-reflect on their past experiences without having to talk to or engage someone else in a conversation about it, less willing to share and to talk about memories and experiences with others, and more inhibited from making quick decisions about how they are feeling about experiences (organic) or about tasks (mechanic)
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Published: 03-29-2015 01:23 pm
References for the intrinsical vs extrinsical values are from this project, which tried to map out values in different cultures:
Published: 03-30-2015 08:36 am
It was a very interesting project, liked this image:
I think all types should be driven by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, for me at least most of my motivation are nonverbal. I often discover something was very important for me when I try to let go of it. Do you have verbal motives?
Published: 03-31-2015 02:25 pm
What do you think about the idea that Mechanic types are motivated by following external / objective (as in group negotiated norms) guidelines and Organic types motivated by following internal guidelines? I don't know
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