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Psychology Today - Are you a type A, B or D type?
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Published: 06-15-2015 10:08 am
"There are 3 types of personalities that have been related to physical health and disease. What are they?
Type A (also known as the coronary-prone behavior pattern) are individuals who are hard-driving, competitive, and try to overachieve. The stereotype of the driven and overworked executive who one day keels over with a heart attack, has some basis in fact, as Type A individuals are more prone to coronary heart disease.
Type B individuals are laid-back, never rush, and tend to take things easy. While Type As are focused on competing and attaining measurable goals, Type Bs are more about living in the moment.
Type D (also known as “distressed” or “disease-prone”) persons tend to be worried, irritable, and express a great deal of negative emotions. Also linked to coronary heart disease, there is a tendency for Type Ds to experience illnesses (particularly stress-related illnesses) in clusters. The disease-prone personality is related to Type D.."
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