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    • Published: 03-29-2016 04:16 am
      Updated: 03-29-2016 04:37 am
    • "Sensory-processing sensitivity (SPS) is a construct assumed to integrate some of the central traits of a number of major temperament theories. The
      corresponding theory is concerned with individual differences in processing sensory stimulation and postulates qualitative differences between SPS- and Non-SPS individuals.
      The empirical part of this study scrutinized the latent structure of the variable SPS: is SPS to be understood as a dimensional variable or rather as a taxon (i.e., as a class variable
      with the categories "Highly Sensitive" vs. "Other Individuals")? The items of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale were analyzed through the taxometric procedures L-Mode, MAXEIG, and MAMBAC in a sample of N = 898 participants. All three methods showed consistent taxonic results with an estimated base rate of 15-20% SPS class members"

      "The sample is not a representative general population sample. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that self-selection effects may have biased the results. "

      The biggest issue with this study is that the participants applied via e-mail if they were interested so it's likely that participants were biased towards confirming this theory.
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