Science posts

See science posts on page 3 below.

    • 2003
    • Tetsuya Matsuda et al.
    • Functional MRI mapping of brain activation during visually guided saccades and antisaccades: cortical and subcortical networks
    • Antisaccade tasks require a subject to inhibit a saccade toward a briefly appearing peripheral target and instead to immediately generate a saccade to an equivalent point in the opposite hemifield. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated the neural networks required to inhibit reflexive saccades and to voluntarily generate saccades. The results demonstrated that saccade and antisaccade tasks often bilaterally activate frontal, parietal and supplementary eye fields, lenticular nuclei and occipital cortex. Additional activation of bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, supramarginal gyri, anterior cingulate cortices and thalamus was observed during antisaccade tasks. These results indicate that fronto-parietal and fronto-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits are involved in antisaccade tasks. The fronto-parietal circuit is thought to be related to the planning of saccadic eye movements that involve attentional control, while the fronto-striato-thalamo-corti..
    • 2001
    • Jorge Moll et al.
    • Frontopolar and anterior temporal cortex activation in a moral judgement task
    • To study the brain areas which are activated when normal subjects make moral judgments. METHOD: Ten normal adults underwent BOLD functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during the auditory presentation of sentences that they were instructed to silently judge as either "right" or "wrong". Half of the sentences had an explicit moral content ("We break the law when necessary"), the other half comprised factual statements devoid of moral connotation ("Stones are made of water"). After scanning, each subject rated the moral content, emotional valence, and judgment difficulty of each sentence on Likert-like scales. To exclude the effect of emotion on the activation results, individual responses were hemodynamically modeled for event-related fMRI analysis. The general linear model was used to evaluate the brain areas activated by moral judgment. RESULTS: Regions activated during moral judgment included the frontopolar cortex (FPC), medial frontal..
    • 2013
    • Mihai Avram et al.
    • Neurofunctional correlates of esthetic and moral judgments
    • Recent neuroimaging studies indicate that there may be common ground for esthetic and moral judgments. However, because previous studies focused on either esthetic or moral judgments and did not compare the two directly, the issue remains open whether a common ground actually exists. We employed functional magnetic resonance imaging in order to study, in a within-subjects design, the potential equivalence of esthetic and moral judgments. One-line verses from poems and short moral statements were used as stimuli. Our results suggest a common basis for the two judgment categories, revealing comparable neural networks mainly the orbitomedial prefrontal cortex. However, additional activations were found in the moral judgment condition, that is, in the posterior cingulate cortex, the precuneus, and the temporoparietal junction. These regions have been related to understanding the minds of others.
    • 2013
    • Camilo J. Cela-Condea et al.
    • Dynamics of brain networks in the aesthetic appreciation
    • Neuroimage experiments have been essential for identifying active brain networks. During cognitive tasks as in, e.g., aesthetic appreciation, such networks include regions that belong to the default mode network (DMN). Theoretically, DMN activity should be interrupted during cognitive tasks demanding attention, as is the case for aesthetic appreciation. Analyzing the functional connectivity dynamics along three temporal windows and two conditions, beautiful and not beautiful stimuli, here we report experimental support for the hypothesis that aesthetic appreciation relies on the activation of two different networks, an initial aesthetic network and a delayed aesthetic network, engaged within distinct time frames. Activation of the DMN might correspond mainly to the delayed aesthetic network. We discuss adaptive and evolutionary explanations for the relationships existing between the DMN and aesthetic networks and offer unique inputs to debates on the mind/brain interaction. Since ..
    • 2013
    • Edward A. Vessel et al.
    • Art reaches within: aesthetic experience, the self and the default mode network
    • In a task of rating images of artworks in an fMRI scanner, regions in the medial prefrontal cortex that are known to be part of the default mode network (DMN) were positively activated on the highest-rated trials. This is surprising given the DMN's original characterization as the set of brain regions that show greater fMRI activity during rest periods than during performance of tasks requiring focus on external stimuli. But further research showed that DMN regions could be positively activated also in structured tasks, if those tasks involved self-referential thought or self-relevant information. How may our findings be understood in this context? Although our task had no explicit self-referential aspect and the stimuli had no a priori self-relevance to the observers, the experimental design we employed emphasized the personal aspects of aesthetic experience. Observers were told that we were interested in their individual tastes, and asked to base their ratings on how much each artw..
    • 2012
    • Edward A. Vessel et al.
    • The brain on art: intense aesthetic experience activates the default mode network
    • Aesthetic responses to visual art comprise multiple types of experiences, from sensation and perception to emotion and self-reflection. Moreover, aesthetic experience is highly individual, with observers varying significantly in their responses to the same artwork. Combining fMRI and behavioral analysis of individual differences in aesthetic response, we identify two distinct patterns of neural activity exhibited by different sub-networks. Activity increased linearly with observers' ratings (4-level scale) in sensory (occipito-temporal) regions. Activity in the striatum (STR) also varied linearly with ratings, with below-baseline activations for low-rated artworks. In contrast, a network of frontal regions showed a step-like increase only for the most moving artworks (“4” ratings) and non-differential activity for all others. This included several regions belonging to the “default mode network” (DMN) previously associated with self-referential mentation. Our r..
    • 2016
    • Constantino Méndez-Bértolo et al.
    • A fast pathway for fear in human amygdala
    • A fast, subcortical pathway to the amygdala is thought to have evolved to enable rapid detection of threat. This pathway's existence is fundamental for understanding nonconscious emotional responses, but has been challenged as a result of a lack of evidence for short-latency fear-related responses in primate amygdala, including humans. We recorded human intracranial electrophysiological data and found fast amygdala responses, beginning 74-ms post-stimulus onset, to fearful, but not neutral or happy, facial expressions. These responses had considerably shorter latency than fear responses that we observed in visual cortex. Notably, fast amygdala responses were limited to low spatial frequency components of fearful faces, as predicted by magnocellular inputs to amygdala. Furthermore, fast amygdala responses were not evoked by photographs of arousing scenes, which is indicative of selective early reactivity to socially relevant visual information conveyed by fearful faces. These data the..
    • 2010
    • Esther Aarts et al.
    • Striatal Dopamine Mediates the Interface between Motivational and Cognitive Control in Humans: Evidence from Genetic Imaging
    • Dopamine has been hypothesized to provide the basis for the interaction between motivational and cognitive control. However, there is no evidence for this hypothesis in humans. We fill this gap by using fMRI, a novel behavioral paradigm and a common polymorphism in the DAT1 gene (SLC6A3). Carriers of the 9-repeat (9R) allele of a 40 base pair repeat polymorphism in the 3′ untranslated region of DAT1, associated with high striatal dopamine, showed greater activity in the ventromedial striatum during reward anticipation than homozygotes for the 10-repeat allele, replicating previous genetic imaging studies. The crucial novel finding is that 9R carriers also exhibited a greater influence of anticipated reward on switch costs, as well as greater activity in the dorsomedial striatum during task switching in anticipation of high reward relative to low reward. These data establish a crucial role for human striatal dopamine in the modulation of cognitive flexibility by reward anticipat..
    • 2012
    • Roshan Cools et al.
    • Impulsive Personality Predicts Dopamine-Dependent Changes in Frontostriatal Activity during Component Processes of Working Memory
    • Dopaminergic drugs affect a variety of cognitive processes, but the direction and extent of effects vary across individuals and tasks. Paradoxical effects are observed, by which the same drug causes cognitive enhancing as well as adverse effects. Here, we demonstrate that individual differences in impulsive personality account for the contrasting effects of dopaminergic drugs on working memory and associated frontostriatal activity. We observed that the dopamine D2 receptor agonist bromocriptine improved the flexible updating (switching) of relevant information in working memory in high-impulsive subjects, but not in low-impulsive subjects. These behavioral effects in high-impulsive subjects accompanied dissociable effects on frontostriatal activity. Bromocriptine modulated the striatum during switching but not during distraction from relevant information in working memory. Conversely, the lateral frontal cortex was modulated by bromocriptine during distraction but not during switchi..
    • 2009
    • M.J. Frank et al.
    • Genetic contributions to avoidance-based decisions: striatal D2 receptor polymorphisms
    • Individuals differ in their tendencies to seek positive decision outcomes or to avoid negative ones. At the neurobiological level, our model suggests that phasic changes in dopamine support learning to reinforce good decisions via striatal D1 receptors, and to avoid maladaptive choices via striatal D2 receptors. Accordingly, in a previous study individual differences in positive and negative learning were strongly modulated by two genetic polymorphisms factors related to striatal D1 and D2 function, respectively. Nevertheless, whereas the role for dopamine in positive learning is relatively well accepted, that in learning to avoid negative outcomes is more controversial. Here we further explore D2-receptor-related genetic contributions to probabilistic avoidance in humans, in light of recent data showing that particular DRD2 polymorphisms are associated with functional modulation of receptor expression [Zhang Y, Bertolino A, Fazio L, Blasi G, Rampino A, Romano R, Lee M-LT, Xiao T, Pa..


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